Chapter 19 (part 1)

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¤Reece Carter¤

"Why did we even come here?.i grunted from the backseat of the car,"Why?"

"Reece,i've told you three times why".Mom sighed."Your aunt had to leave for an important work"

"I know that",i replied leaning over the front seat.

"But why did you drag me here?"

"Because i wanted to",Mom declared .

Because i wanted to.Once she say those deadly words,there was no use arguing.

I slumped down in my seat.

My aunt,Tara,had some kind of work emergency and she called to pick up Sebastian,my cousin.

For babysitting.

Mom dragged me with herself and we had to go all the way to the other side of the town which was literally swamp.


A fucking swamp!

I didn't even get to see Chloe's face today.Since Mom was in such a hurry,i forgot my cell and as a result i couldn't inform her about my unfortunate "departure".

I stared out of the car window.We'd been riding on highway all day through the swamp.

It was late afternoon.And the cypress trees began to cast long shadows over the marshy grass.I stuck out my head out the window.A blast of hot,humid air hit my face.I ducked back in and turned to Seb.His nose was buried in a comic book.

Seb is twleve.He has curly brown hair and brown eyes with tons of freckles.

I stared at him.

Watched him read.

His glasses slid down his nose.

He pushed them up.

"Seb...",i started.

"Shhhh",he waved his hand at me,"I'm at the good part"

Seb is in love with comic books.Scary ones but he's a huge chicken too.I never did read a single book in my childhood.I was too busy in pissing my neighbours off.

I glanced out the window again,feeling like i would die of boredoom.I stared at the trees.At the branches all draped in long gray webs.They dangled from every tree...curtains of grey.They made this area look really gloomy.

When i was a kid,mom told me about the grey webs.She knows alot about tress and all that shit.She thinks swamps,mud are a spooky way.

May be i should bring Chloe here...

A smile formed on my face when her face came in my mind.


I didn't want to scare her.Ever.

"How come aunt Tara never visits us?",i asked of sheer boredoom."I haven't seen her from a long time"

"Well,she's a single mother,Reece",mom peered at me through the rearview mirror."She needs to work and that makes it hard for her to visit us"

"She always smelled weird",i said recalling that musty smell..

"Reece!",mom scolded,"Don't talk about your aunt that way!"

"I wasn't",i muttered


"Quit shoving me!",Seb complained.His comic book dropped to the floor.

"Sit still,Reece!".Mom snapped.

Seb was about to grab his comic book but i grabbed it first.

"Oh brother",i groaned when i read the title of the story.

"Creatures from the muck? How can you red this shit?"

"Reece! Don't curse infront of him",mom turned her head towards me with a dangerous glint.

"Shit...i mean crap...i ..ughh"

"It's not shit",Seb shot back"it really is cool.Better than those stupid sports magazine you read"

"What's it about?",i asked,flipping through the pages.

"It's about some totally gross monsters.Half human half snake.They set traps to catch people.Then they hide under the mud near the surface",Seb explained.

He grabbed the book from my hand.

"Then what happens?",i asked

"They wait.They wait as long as it takes for a human to fall in their traps",Seb's voice started to quiver."Then they force them deep into the mud and make them their slaves"


He glanced out the window at the eerie trees with their long beards of grey.

It was growing dark now.The tree's shadows shifted over the tall grass.

Seb lowered himself in his seat.He has a wild imagination.He really believes the stuff he reads.Then he shits in his pants.Like now..

"Do they do anything else?",i asked in a fake curious voice.I wanted him to tell me more.He was really crapping himself good.

"At night,the monsters rise up from the mud",he went on eagerly,sliding down in his seat some more,"And they drag kids from their beds.They drag them into the mud and one sees the kid again......ever"

He was like the other half of Valentino.

Seb was totally freaked out now.

I smirked.

"There really are the creatures like that in the mud.I read about them in school,"i lied," horrible monsters.Half alligator,half human...covered in mud with spiky scales underneath.If you just brush against one,the scale rip the flesh off your bones....sooo scarryy"

The kid got pale.

"Reece! Stop it!",mom warned.

Seb hugged his comic book close to him.

"Hey Seb",i pointed out the window to an old narrow bridge up ahead.It's wooden planks sagged.It looked ready to crumble."I bet a mud monster is waiting for you under the bidge"

Seb gazed out the window at the bridge.He turned even more pale.

I slapped his back,he glared at me.

Mom began steering the car over the old wooden planks..They rumbled and groaned under the weigh.

"Be careful,mom.Just drive very very slowly",i said in a worried voice.

She nodded.

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