( part 2 )

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Suddenly he took enough steps untill he was close enough for me to smell his expensive cologne.




He smirked,showing me his white pearls."Pour vous.amour [For you,love]."

My heart thudded painfully.I was literally frozen on my spot.I didn't know why but all of sudden i wanted to cry.

"Si belle... [ so beautiful]",he whispered,his eyes searching my face almost frantically.

A green dress sparkled at his back,catching the light.


Something snapped and i pushed at his chest making him step backwards.I felt like screaming.I felt like disappearing from here.

Why is he doing this?

What was he playing at this time?.

"Rester loin de mois,Ashton! [stay away from me,Ashton!]".

He shoved his hands in his jeans pocket lazily and cocked his head to a side,"Pourquoi? [why?]."

I shut my eys tightly,wanting to kill him with my own bare hands.

Why was he doing this?

After all....after everything.

I opened my eyes and then everything faded when i sa Reece making his way towards me with a scowl on his face and instantly i felt my heart stopped its pounding.

I could breath again.

"Reece..",i croaked,ignoring Ashton standing near me.

Reece unzipped his leather jacket and glanced at me.He still didn't see Ashton.

Ashton sneered at me with a disgusted look on his face as if he couldn't believe i was still with Reece.I turned away from him and held my hand at Reece in mid air.

His hand reached out and took hold of my wrist,his fingers curling around gently,"Listen,they have pepsi but i doubt...",he trailed off when he saw who was standing behind me.

I dared myself to glance at Reece and face his intense rage but when i looked up he was looking slightly amused.

"Look who's back from his little french world,Chloe.",he said,pulling me against him with a smirk of his own.

Ashton fisted his hands,his knuckles turning white.

I entwined our fingers.

Ashton shook his head,his brows furrowed.

"Aww,you can't talk? Are you mute?.",Reece's voic was sympathic,riling Ashton further.

Reece nodded to himself as if noting something,"Mute.".He affirmed it with himself,"Definitely mute."

"Au revoir,Ashton. [Goodbye,Ashton]."

He smirked that cunning smirk and the glanced at the arms which was around my waist,"I love you,Chloe.",he looked pointedly at Reece.

He looked merely amused,"We love you too,Weston."

I almost wanted to laugh when Ashton growled at his incorrect name,his face turning red.

"Or was it Lanton?",Reece asked Ashton in aserious voice.

I giggled in his chest.

"No no.Wasn't it Frankston?."

"Ashton Deville!.",Ashton spat,trembling with pent up anger.

"Deville? Are you related to Cruella Deville?.",Reece asked in a fake excited voice.

I covered my mouth to stop my giggle.

Ashton roared.

"Stop fucking with me! You bloody street rat!.",he snarled,his nostrils flaring.

Everything vanished from Reece's face.The humor,the smirk.Everything.A chilling calm took its place.His face was blank like a paper.He detached himself from me and stood infront of me with his arms crossed while i clutched the back of his shirt,scared.

"Stop me.",Reece said in a calm voice.

Why was he so...calm?.

Ashton laughed,almost jeering,"Like i would waste my time with a -"

"Cut with the shit already!",Reece growled,taking a dangerous step towards him.

Ashton' eyes widened and he backed up.

"Stop hiding in corners like the fucking pussy you're! You want to stop me? I'm right here!.",he snapped with his voice pulsing with with raw anger.

Ashton scoffed and leaned against the wall behind him,"I don't want to have your fucking germs.!"

Reece shook his head almost...sadly,"You might want to call your mommy and daddy because you're going to need surgery after i'm done with you."

Reece And Chloe's Moments (1)Where stories live. Discover now