Disaster (Chapter Sixteen)

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Chapter Sixteen

Blake’s P.O.V

Alex walked around the house and it was like she was making as much noise as possible... which was annoying because currently Tara was asleep on top of me. I had come over to hopefully get a word in with her uncle, but we sat on the couch and the next thing I know Tara’s asleep.

“Alex, can you quit it?!” I hissed at her.

She appeared in the lounge and then glanced down at Tara and sighed and sat down on the couch adjacent from me.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered running her fingers through her hair. “Why can I never find anything in this house?”

“What in the hell are you looking for?” I asked her.

“Just some papers... it’s nothing,” she shook her head.

“You don’t make it sound like nothing,” I told her.

“Don’t worry about it... I’ll tear the house apart later when she’s awake,” Alex muttered, looking at Tara.

“I think this baby thing takes it out her,” I said, playing with her hair slightly. “I’ve never seen her eat so much.”

“What are you doing to do about all of it?” she asked.

He shrugged slightly. “Tara’s been looking through adoption thing, but she’s getting to a point where she thinks it’s easier just to keep it.”

“And you still haven’t told my dad,” she reminded me.

“We’ll get to it... when he’s not going to kill you,” I said.

She smiled slightly and then got up before I could speak.

“Well, its Friday night and I’m not staying here,” she told me.

“Alex,” I groaned. “Don’t go to where I think you’ll go.”

“Don’t worry, with my dad keeping an eye on me, I’m only going to have enough that I’ll still be able to drive,” she promised .”And I trust you not to tell anyone, right?”

“If you weren’t my best friend I would tell the world,” I said with an eye roll.

“Thanks, I appreciate it,” she smiled, slipping out.

Alex’s P.O.V

I sat on the ground, drunk in one hand and Buff sitting on my other side. We had been talking for a little while, but now... well it had gone all awkward. I needed this tonight after what happened this week with Zeke and... Jet.

“What up with your arm?” Buff asked.

I turned to face him and watched his dark blonde hair fall slightly.

“I got hit, it’s nothing,” I shrugged.

“Hit?” Buff asked, grabbing my arm to look at it. “By who?”

“Just some guy who tried to beat up Zeke,” I shrugged. “I broke them apart and kind of got in the way. I’m not getting into fights or anything, don’t worry.”

“God, it looks like it hurts,” Buff said, turning it so I could see the dark purple and black of the brose.

“It’s fine, just don’t touch it,” I said, pulling my arm away from him and then taking a sip of my drink.

I let my head hit the wall so I was resting against and stared ahead of me and then frowned.

“Zeke?” I whispered.

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