Disaster (Chapter Forty Three)

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Chapter Forty Three

“So... that was all he said?” Zeke clarified.

“That’s all he would say. He doesn’t think I’d understand... it’s almost like he thinks it’s too complicated for me,” I said with a slight life. “I make everything complicated.”

“I think it’s my fault this time, Alex,” Zeke said.

“I brought you into it, it was my idea,” I reminded him.

“And you know I don’t mind one bit,” he said.

I sighed and straightened up on the wall. I was sitting on some random block that had been placed at the back of the room with the phone pressed to my ear, Zeke obviously on the line. I was actually at the place was having Claire and Pommy where having their reception. The wedding was tomorrow, and we’d done all the rehearsal stuff, the only reason I was still here was because was having a little meltdown about it and Pommy was still trying to calm her down, and I had called Zeke to inform him that I wouldn’t see him tonight, and while talking we got onto the topic of my conversation yesterday with my Dad.

“He thinks I’m back to my old self again, whatever that means,” I muttered.

“Alex, I think he means he can see you’re happy again, and it’s true, you’re happy, I can see it,” Zeke said. “I mean it could just be all this se-.”

“Don’t even say it, or I will kill you right through this phone,” I told him.

He chuckled slightly. “I’m just saying, it could be a contributing factor.”

“Oh, shut up,” was my best comeback right now. “I’ve got to go, Claire is emerging. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, ok,” Zeke said. “And Alex?”


“I love you.”

I smiled, I couldn’t help myself.

“I love you too.”

I hung up the phone and right there just felt like melting, or jumping up and down and screaming. The feeling, all of it was just overwhelming... but how I really did love him. Still, it all did suck so much and I just wanted to scream it out to the world, but that would be the worst thing I ever do.

To my surprise it wasn’t Claire who emerged but Pommy. He walked over to me and sighed and sat next to me.

“You look like you’re about to die,” I said to him.

“Claire is driving me and herself insane,” he said.

“She stressed. This day means a lot to her, and you know her it has to be perfect,” I shrugged.

“It’s fine... the food and everything doesn’t need to be perfect, it should be about us,” Pommy complained.

I smiled slightly. “You’re being a bit pathetic right now.”

He groaned. “Do you think that maybe for once, Alex you could just skip the sarcasm and talk about something serious? You know you’re the only one who hasn’t said how you feel about this, and both Claire and I really want to know what is actually going though your head.”

I paused for a second and then sighed. Yes, he was right, but it wasn’t like I was avoiding it or anything, I just didn’t really give it a second thought.

“You know I don’t have any problem with it. I love that you and Claire are together, and well hopefully be together forever, and I get that you two rushed into this because of Claire’s situation. I just still think it’s funny that you two haven’t slept together,” I said.

“Ah,” was his only reply, looking away slightly.

“Ah? You mean you to have?” I asked.

He shrugged and then smiled and I hit him slightly.

“You stud! When?” I asked.

“The other week...it just kind of happened, you know,” he shrugged.

“I do, surprisingly enough,” I said.

He laughed. “You know I’ve always thought of you as a little sister and now it’s just going to be official.”

I smiled. “It’s nice to know that this family will work. Just do me a favour, and treat Claire right.”

“You know I will.”

We decided to get Claire and after I walked slowly behind Pommy he got annoyed and picked up me and piggy-backed me into the kitchen where we found Claire.

“We’re ready to go,” Pommy said simply.

Claire saw me on Pommy’s back and rolled her eyes. “Put her down, Tom. If she falls in here she could hurt herself.”

“Sorry, mum,” I muttered, sliding off Pommy’s back

“Could you two jus wait outside if you’re going to be like this?” she asked annoyed.

“Claire, just leave it. They have it under control, and whatever happens tomorrow Harriet and I can sort out, but it’s nearly ten at night, I’m tired, you need sleep and we all need something to eat, okay?” I asked.

She sighed. “Fine... but if you make me do anything tomorrow-.”

“You know I won’t, Claire,” I interrupted her. “Now may we go?”

“Yes, okay,” she nodded.

“I don’t care what you to say, I’m picking up some grease filled food on the way home,” Pommy said, with a smile.

“You may as well enjoy that while you’re not married to me,” Claire said happily.

“And I hope you two get your own place so I don’t have to listen to you two have your ‘couple talks,’” I told them.

“You can pay for it then, “Pommy said, ruffling my hair.

“No deal.”

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