Disaster (Chapter Twenty Six)

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Chapter Twenty Six

“Can you hurry up please?” Harriet asked, as I rambled through my locker searching for my English book.

“I can’t find it... and when do you care if we’re late to class?” I asked.

“Since I’ve missed some pretty important lessons,” Harriet said kind of annoyed.

“I can’t find the stupid book,” I said, just as frustrated.

“You really need to clean this thing out,” Harriet commented.

“Thank you, I know,” I said through my teeth.

Things started to fly out of my locker, going on the floor of the locker. Great, how can this day get worse?

“Hey, what’s this?”

I turned around to see Harriet bending down to pick up one of the many things that were on the floor. She lifted it up and held it in front of me. The letter. The letter than Zeke had given to me when he first came back. The one I threw into my locker ages ago, and I obviously forgot about.

“Give me that,” I said, trying to grab it.

“No,” Harriet said, pulling it away from me. “Who’s it from, and why is it in your locker?”

“It’s from no one important and I left it in there,” I explained.

“Hmm... I don’t believe you,” Harriet said, as she then she tried to rip the letter open.

“Hey... that is so against the law,” I complained.

“And you won’t report me because I’m your best friend and you love me,” she said, pulling out the letter from the envelope, while not letting me grab it.

She managed to unfold the letter and keep it away from me and managed to read just some of it.

“Oh,” she mouthed, finally giving up with keeping it away from me.

“Yeah, oh,” I agreed, snatching it off her and folding it back up and putting it in my pocket.

“Why haven’t you read it yet?” she asked me.

“Because I don’t really want to right now,” I shrugged.

“I actually don’t believe you again. You’re afraid of what it’ll say, aren’t you?” she muttered.

“I’m not,” I said. “In fact, I’ll read it this afternoon and then call you to prove that I’m okay.”

“Fine,” Harriet nodded with an inquisitive look on her face.

My English book was in the locker and once I found it, quickly shoved the stuff back into my locker and got on with my school English lecture. Unfortunately the letter didn’t disappear from my mind. I couldn’t forget that it was in my pocket... and it was almost like it was burning a hole in pocket.

Getting home and pulling the letter out of my pocket was kind of like a small weight lifted off me, but it wasn’t gone completely. I stood in front of the letter just staring at it.  I couldn’t just look at it forever. I mean, it wasn’t like staring at it would make it go away, or get any easier.

I took a deep breath, held my breath and picked up the letter. This shouldn’t mean so much.... he wrote it ages ago... whatever says may now not mean anything. Yeah... I should so believe that. I sighed... I can’t though. For some reason the thought of reading something he wrote ages ago, just didn’t do it for me. I ran my fingers through my hair and picked up the letter. I walked over to my desk and opened the draw and placed the letter inside. I could live with not knowing what was in that letter, if he wanted to tell me something; he needed to say it to my face.

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