Disaster (Chapter Twenty Five)

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Chapter Twenty Five

Okay, so this was awkward. Yes... I might’ve been in more awkward positions before, but right now... things couldn’t get any more awkward than they already where. I should explain. So... after my father and Jet talked they found out that well... they got along as they might, and since my father wasn’t so comfortable with talking to him alone again, dragged me, Claire and Pommy along to dinner with them. Claire still wasn’t so sure on the whole Jet, brother thing... and Pommy was just there because; well he was soon to be my brother in-law, and well... Jet’s too. Weird, I know.

I looked over at Jet who had his phone on his lap. Best way to get out of an awkward or boring situation... God, I wish my Dad hadn’t taken mine away from me.

“So...,” Claire muttered. “Jet, do you have any other family? Other than us, I mean.”

“Not really,” he shrugged. “I just live with my Mum, and she never talks about family.”

In the corner of my eye I could see my Dad looking at me. I could tell he was just waiting for me to make a scene... my thought: why not?

“So, Dad,” I said quickly. “How did you meet Jet’s mother?”

“Alex,” Claire hissed at me.

“What?” I shrugged. “We’re here to talk about family, and how Jet is part of my family... it’s a simple question.”

“That is not what you’re asking,” Claire muttered.

“Would you like me to ask in the rude way? Cause then I’d have to say ‘Dad, when, where and why did you cheat on our mother before I even existed?’ Ops... bit late I guess,” I said, with a cheeky smile.

“I-,” Claire started to fume.

“No, Claire. It’s perfectly reasonable that Alex would want to know,” my father interrupted her.

Wow, he didn’t yell at me for once.

“Go on then,” I said.

He sighed. “I was on business in Hawaii, it was a big deal for me... they were going to pay me more if I got the deal I wanted there. I met Emily late at night after my deal didn’t go through. We talked and we both drank a little... somehow we started talking about my problems at home. We realised we had a lot in common... and I went back to her hotel room-,” he started to say.

“Okay, Dad, we don’t need to go any further on that one... we know how babies are made. But hang on, just back up... problems at home?” Claire asked.

“Your mother and I had been fighting a little... and we were close to just going our separate ways... and I was going to,” he admitted. “I was going to leave your mother for Emily... but I got back home and she was a mess, Claire was sick... and a couple of weeks later once things were on track, she told me Alex was coming... I couldn’t back out,” he said.

“So it was me that kept you guys together?” I asked him.

“If you hadn’t of come along, I would’ve left, yes,” he nodded.

Wow... I didn’t expect any of that.

“Who did you love? Mum or Emily?” Claire asked.

It made both me and Jet look. We both wanted to know the answer.

“Both,” he admitted. “But I was faithful to your mother I guess.”

“She thought that you didn’t love her. That’s why she’s hated you. She thought that you just didn’t come back... she thought you didn’t want to go back to her,” Jet said.

“She’s coming here... soon,” I muttered.

“Jet told me,” he nodded.

“What are you doing to do?” I asked.

“I’m not sure... but she’ll want to take Jet back with her,” my father pointed out.

“But I don’t want to go,” Jet said.

“And he shouldn’t go yet,” my father agreed. “I’ll figure it out.”

“I... I kind of hope you do,” I admitted.

Jet looked at me and smiled, and I smiled back. I’ve got to say... I actually really did love having Jet around. As for brothers go... well older and half-brother in my case... well, he’s actually pretty cool.

“Um... if we’re here, I want to talk about our wedding,” Claire said. “we haven’t really talked about some of the stuff we wanted... like bride’s maid and stuff.... but we want Harriet, and Alex, and Tara to be me bride’s maids... and well for Tom’s best mans... we were thinking that well Kane would be there for Harriet, and Blake for Tara... and well Zeke.”

“Zeke? Are you insane?” I asked her.

“None of Tom’s friend’s can get over here for the wedding... his mother can barely get over here... it’s our last option, and I wouldn’t do this to you unless there was another option,” Claire promised.

“Because I’m your sister... and I planning your wedding... and I love you.... I’ll push through it, but you owe me... big time,” I told her.

“Thank you,” she smiled.

“Anything you want to.... request, Pommy, while we’re at it?” I asked.

“Not really.... I’m not good with this, you know that,” he reminded me.

“Well good... your sister has already taken over all the stuff that I can’t deal with,” I muttered.

“Like the dresses, flowers... those girly things,” Claire said.

“I still don’t know why you guys think I can do this,” I said.

“It doesn’t have to be perfect,” Claire smiled slightly.

“It definitely won’t be then,” I said sarcastically.

Claire just smiled and I watched Pommy slide his hand around her waist and pulled her close to him. Claire rested her head near his shoulder and he smiled and kissed her head. I knew right there that even with Claire’s cancer, if it tried to get the better of her, she’d have Pommy to help her get her through it. If something like this happened to me... I didn’t know who I’d have. Maybe Harriet... and my family, but no one that I knew would never want to leave my side. The problem was... it was all my fault.

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