Chapter 35

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We was finally back home. We was at my dads place all talking and basically partying. My mom and kristina were making gumbo, Étouffée, and jambalaya while my cousins, steph, and britt was cooking the extras and baking cakes and stuff. A few of kings crew was here and some of our family was here. I was just trying to figure out where the hell shaun,roc, and my sister was at. Most of the crew here so where are they? I miss them and i would think they would be here to see me.

It was night time and cold outside. Trill and i was sitting in the this new poolside bed my dad had with heaters blowing at us and under the covers looking at the sky.

"Yo fam seem nice yaa,"trill said.

"They are. We all ride for each other. We just all close. Thats how our ancestors raised us to be," i said honestly. Within my families generations, we all have or had a close bond with one another. Its one thing we said we would never change about us Smiths.

"I wish i had that. A family like yours," he said looking at me,"your very blessed smoodie," he said while he played in my hair.

"I am...but...i'm even more blessed since i have you. You mean a lot to me. Even tho
You can be a jack ass sometimes," i said making him laugh.

"You funny but yaa i can be...its just how I became to be yu know. I wasnt raised like you girl. I was alone most of my life so ehh... Yaa. But lowkey make a nigga feel special," he said rubbing his goatee.

I chuckled," well i guess you know how you make me feel now," i replied. I leaned in and kissed his lips.

He moved to where his body was on top of mines and deepened the kiss. I place my hands on his face as i tongues moved in sync. Oh god he just dont know hoe i feel for him.

He pulled away from me and and pecked my lips one time. "Come on lets go eat," he said grabbing my hand.

I scooted out the bed and we walked into the house. It was some new people here so i went and spoke to them before going into the kitchen to fix our food.

As i was fixing our plates, i felt a pair of hands cover my eyes. I didnt freak because i knew it was someone who was invited and two....out of my entire life it has only been two people who did that to me; my dad, and shaun.

"Nigfa if you domt get yo smelling hands away from me we gonna have a porblem," i said laughing.

"Damn somebody then got feisty," i familiar but yet different voice responded. I sat the bowls down and turned around to see a new and improved Shaun.

"Oh my god Shaun you look so different,"I squealed giving him a hug.

"You do too," he smiled. His voice was a deeper and he was a whole two feet taller than me now. He than got buffer and his body was toned.

"So how you been? I see life been treating you good," i joked.

He chuckled and looked away. He licked his lips before looking back at me," its been ight. Im the star running back at my school. Been on varsity since my freshman year. I would ask about you but ...i know it hasnt been good," he said.

I looked down at my feet for a second then back at him,"it had its ups and downs. Mainly downs," i said," but wheres Roc and my sister," i asked trying to change the subject.

He scratched the back of his head,"im guessing you dont know" he said.

"Know what," i asked.

"Umm...after you was and my brother broke up and then she left town. She cam back like a couple months later and she was pregnant. Then her and my brother got into it and she left and haven't been back since. I don't think anybody knows where she is besides your dad and mom. King couldn't even track her. You only knew if she told you. And she told your mom and dad. The last time they saw her was when she had her baby," he said looking at me concerned.

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