Chapter 42 part 3 Clubbing

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Wren turned the bug into the parking lot that sat behind the club.
"We're already doing so many things wrong, it's not even funny." Cath shook her head and chuckled.
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"
Cath sighed. "Have you ever heard in a rap song 'YEAH WE PULL UP TO THE CLUB IN A SEXY GREEN BUG'? Yeah. That's because in NO WAY WHATSOEVER is pulling up to a club in a vulkswagon bug badass."
As if she knew anything about being badass.
The last slightly badass thing she'd done was attend a party at a frat house (when she saw Levi kiss another girl) and she was only there for, like, five seconds.
And she didn't even enjoy it. (obviously)
Wren put the car into park, and stared at Cath like she had just said that the earth was flat.
"What?" Cath asked cluelessly.
"Have you ever even been to a club before?" Wren asked, a puzzled look on her face.
"Well, not exactly-"
"So you have no experience whatsoever. So shut up."
"Will do." Cath shook her head obediently.
She decided it would be best to just shut her mouth and listen to the expert.
After all, her and Wren were total opposites.
If she wanted to be badass, all she had to do was go against every impulse she could ever possibly have, and do the complete opposite.
Okay...piece of cake.
Cath came back to earth with a start. "HELLOOOOOOOO!? Cath? Sometime today would be great, before I grow a beard and turn into a street hobo."
"Right," Cath said, swallowing her doubts. "Lets just go take some shots, before I change my mind."
Wren stared, and a huge grin spread across her face. "Now that's what I'm talking about!"
Cath faked a smile, and they walked inside.

Sorry sorry sorrryyyyy I've been away so long! It's been a rough year..... No need to explain myself. Just sit back and relax, and wait for the next update coming soon! Don't forget to comment your thoughts and suggestions! Love you all! (this is a bit of a cheesy update, but my writing skills are HELLA rusty)

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