Chapter 29

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We're about two minutes from the hospital, and it's silent. Not in an awkward way, but in a respectful way. Levi knows I'm having a hard time, and he's supporting me. I could never be more grateful.

I'm just sick of dealing with everyone else's problems. First it was Wren with her drinking problem, which was a constant babysitting job. Meanwhile, my dad was having episodes and still has them. Then I've got to deal with Nick, who still tries to talk to me at school.

And then there's Reagan, and I worry about her. Not that she'll do drugs or drink or anything, but I just miss her so much. I've been babysitting for everyone else for so long, I no longer know how to lay off and relax.

As we pull into the labyrinth of a hospital parking lot, Levi breaks the silence between us. "So did she tell you what triggered the episode?"

I run my fingers through my hair, and exhale. "No, She just said that it was bad. I just don't know what it could've been."
he rubs my back with his free hand. "We'll get through this, Cather. I promise. We can do this together." I give him a little smile.

I just hope this is the last time I have to have my fiancé drive me to a mental hospital to see my father.

We step out of the car, and walk through the hospital sliding doors. I've always hated hospitals. They make my body feel so weak inside, as if at any moment my body could just crumble. I know they say hospitals are the most sterile places to be, but let's be real here. They're the nastiest.

Levi has his hand on my lower back for support as we walk up to the reception desk.

"We're here to see Arthur Avery."

"What are your names? He can only see family."

I interject before Levi can speak. "I'm Cather, his daughter. And this is my fiancé, Levi."

"Oh," She smiles, "Alright. He's in room 323, third floor."

"Thank you very much."

We step into the elevator alone, and the doors close.

I start to get shaky, and my breathing staggers.

"Hey, hey." Levi takes me in his arms, and kisses my head. "You know what we're gunna do?"


"We're gunna go in there, and you're going to be the strong woman that you are. And I'm going to be there to support you, no matter what. And when all this is over, we're going to leave this hospital in once piece, and go to the hotel I booked us at.

"You booked us a hotel?" I look up into his eyes, surprised.

"Of course. I'm taking you to my favorite hotel."

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's a surprise. Now let's go."

We leave the elevator, and step onto the third floor. It's quiet, and the sound of beeping punches through my mind. It's so annoying, that beeping sound. No wonder some of the patients die because they leave their beds. They're probably getting up to turn off that damn beeping.

Whoa. Deep breath, Cath. Deep breath.

As we walk down the narrow hallway to room 323 hand in hand, I think about how in eight months, it won't just me me and Levi holding hands.

We'll be holding a baby.

I'm not even sure that I'm ready for a baby. I mean, who is? But I'm not gunna tell Levi that I'm not ready. We've got enough problems right now.

We approach 323, and Levi stops me at the door.

"Wait." He says, holding his arm out.


"Promise me that you won't keep any more secrets from me."

"Like what? when did I keep a secret from you?" I ask, confused.

"When you hesitated to tell me about the human being in your stomach?" He whispers, trying not to let anyone hear.

"Oh....right. Okay, I promise." This makes me feel worse about not telling him how I feel, (that I'm not ready) but I'm going to try my best to get through this.

He takes my hand, and we walk in together. It's a single bedroom and my dad is laying in his bed, eyes closed. Wren is sitting to the left of him, and her mascara is smeared all over her face. I let go of Levi's hand, and me and Wren collide for a hug.

She pulls away with her hands on my shoulders, and looks me in my eyes. "How are you doing?"

" don't want to talk about it. Just tell me all about dad."

She nods, and her sniffles are so loud they make me cringe every time.

"His episode was caused by...his girlfriend."




"He has a girlfriend???" I ask. This is crazy news. He hasn't had a girlfriend in years.

She sniffles, and takes a deep breath. "Yeah. She, uh...she cheated on him."

"Wow." I'm baffled.

"She's out in the waiting room. I refuse to let that skank in here." Her eyes quickly flash from sadness to hatred in an instant.

I bet my eyes look exactly the same.

"Good. She needs to leave." I agree. "How did he catch her?"

"He went over to her house to surprise her with some chocolate, because she said she had a bad day at work, and wanted to be left alone. Hah. Alone my ass."



Sorry to end it at a random place, but I wanted to update since I haven't updated in a while. I've been so busy with finals, so I'm sorry guys. Love you all😘

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