Chapter 3

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Once Cath and Levi arrived at the Irish Pub, they hopped out of the car and peered through the pub window.

"Do you see her?" Levi asked.

"Nope. Not yet." Cath replied.

"Should we go in?"

"I guess. She's either in the back - behind all these people - or she and Courtney left. Let's hope she's in the back."

Levi gently took Cath's arm, and she let him. She didn't want to do this alone. She didn't know how she would handle seeing Wren drunk again. After she'd been hospitalized, she promised not to binge drink from then on. Wren being a clear example, you can't really keep promises when you're drunk. Wren shouldn't even be at a bar.

Cath thought of it this way.




Wren was supposed to go to their Dad's for the weekend, like she usually did, but he said that she could stay on campus this weekend for being so good. Hah. Look where that got him.

Levi and Cath, arms hooked, walked into the bar. The music was not super loud, but the frat guys were yelling and talking about sports, making the noise level blast off the scale. Levi pulled her through the crowd, all the way to the back.

"Do you see her yet!?" Cath had to yell for Levi to hear her, and even then she didn't know if he heard.

"No, not yet!" Levi yelled back.

When they got all the way to the back, they sat down at a booth in the corner, so that they could see the whole pub. Because the booth was isolated from the rest of the pub and it had curtains, it blocked out some of the blaring sound, allowing them to hear each other at a normal voice level. They scanned the room for Wren, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Why the fuck does Wren have to put me in all of these horrible situations!? I don't know what to do anymore, Levi. I just don't."

Cath wasn't just angry. She was frustrated, upset, and pissed off all at the same time. Basically, she was in full PMS mode, and she was ready to bitch Wren out.

"Well-" Levi started, but cath interrupted, "LEVI, LOOK."

Levi looked out into the pub, and saw what she was looking at.

It was Wren. Courtney had her arm around her, and they were surrounded by frat guys. Courtney seemed to be loving the attention, but Wren looked sick. She looked like she wanted to go home. And not home as in her dorm room, but home home, as in wherever Cath was.

In high school, they always traveled together. They were a package deal, and everybody knew it. Now, in college, you couldn't even get Wren away from Courtney for a second. Courtney was like a leach. she never lets go.

"Wren? Wren!" Cath yelled. Wren looked up,and a huge grin spread across her face. She looked alot less drunk than she sounded on the phone.

Good, Cath thought. She definitely wasn't binge drinking.

Wren ran up to Cath, and Cath ran to Wren. They hadn't really noticed how long it had been since they had really hung out together. They had hung out together, but they weren't telling each other everything. Just like Wren hadn't mentioned where the big bruise on her face had come from. They met in the middle of the pub with a big hug.

As they hugged, some stupid, drunk frat guy shouted, "Look! The long lost twins have been reunited!"

Everyone laughed. Except Courtney. She looked as if she had just been slapped across the face. And just as Cath thought Courtney would leave them alone, she started walking towards them.

Just as Courtney was approaching them, Wren said, "I want you out of my dorm room by tomorrow morning. And if you have any objections, I'd be happy to tell our administrator that you have booze in your mini-fridge."

Courtney looked as though she had just been hit by a bus. "AUGH!" Courtney threw a little temper tantrum, then stormed off. "Fine!" She yelled as she left the pub.

"YEAH! Go Wren!" Cath exclaimed. She was proud of Wren. Courtney was a bad influence, and Wren kicking her out was the first step to stop drinking.

Wren seemed perfectly sober, just a little bit woozy.

"Damn that girl is a bitch." They all laughed, and Levi put his arm around Cath.

"Want to spend the night in my dorm?" Cath asked Wren. "C'mon. It'll be like old times." Wren looked hesitant. "C'mon. We can even write some fic, and have an emergency dance party."

Levi objected. "Uh uh. No more emergency dance parties without Levi."

God. He's so cute when he talks about himself in third person, Cath thought.

Cath laughed. "Okay. whatever you say Levi."

"You guys go have your sleepover. I'll go hang with Jandro."

"Sounds cool with me." Cath said.

She gave Levi a hug, and he kissed her on the forehead. "I'll come pick you up for breakfast tomorrow at 10:00, okay?" He asked.

"Okay." Cath replied.

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