Chapter 40 - Miserable

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I want to die.

I've been in my bed for three whole weeks, and haven't moved for any other reason but to pee. I don't eat often, but when I do, it's shitty food. I haven't had one night of good sleep. My nightmares are filled with horrible things that involve.....her. In each dream, she dies a different way every time. Drowning. Murder. Suffocation.

It's pure hell.

Levi supports me as much as he can, but he also has to go back to work tomorrow.

My stupid cell phone beeps and beeps and beeps for an hour, until I finally answer it because I can no longer handle the noise.

"What the hell do you want?" I yell.

"Cath, you've gotta get out of that bed." Wren says.

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Why don't we have dinner tonight, and then go clubbing? You've never been clubbing before, have you?"

I don't speak for a minute. Is she insane?

"My baby just died. Why the fuck would I want to go clubbing?"

" lets off stress." She stutters. "Plus, if you don't get out of bed soon, you'll never heal." She adds.

"Fine, whatever will get you to leave me alone."

"O..oh! Good! I'm coming over at 5:00 to help you get ready. See you then." She hangs up.

What have I gotten myself into?

I decide that if I'm going clubbing, I'll have to at least leave my bed. And open a window. And shower.

I walk down the steps into the kitchen, where levi is eating breakfast. There's a plate next to his, and I sit down.

"I'm glad to see that you're up."

I lay my head on his shoulder, and hold onto his arm. "Well, Wren is forcing me to go clubbing tonight, so I thought I should at least leave my room, that way it's not super bright outside when I leave this dreadful cave of death."

"Good idea." He says. "You should eat some breakfast."

"This looks really good. Thanks." I kiss him on the cheek.

I feel like I'm dying inside, but I have to at least try to move on.

If I don't, I'll end up fat and depressed.

I take my fork, and stab a sausage link.

I've always loved sausage.

I slowly bring the link to my mouth, and scowl at Levi before I eat it.

"It's hard to eat when you're staring at me." I tell him.

"Oh, right, sorry." He looks back to his food.

Short, but I wanted to add it. Love ya😘 COMMENT!!

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