Chapter 10

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Levi wheeled Cath into the waiting room, and stopped right in front of Jandro.

"Hey, Jandro."

Jandro looked up, and immediatley stood from his chair. "How is she?"

"Why don't you go see for yourself?" Levi smiled. "She asked for you."

Jandro smiled, and bro-hugged/handshaked Levi, and then headed off into Wren's room. Levi once again began pushing Cath to the changing room, and started talking normally, thank god. They hadn't had a normal Levi-and-Cath conversation alone since right before the accident.

"It's kinda fun pushing you in this wheel chair. Wanna play doctor?" Levi had a sweet yet seductive grin, and Cath smiled.

They arrived at the changing room, and Levi pushed her in, locking the door behind them.

"Sure, Dr.Stewart. Why don't you check out my injuries?" They both laughed, and he gently lifted her out of her wheelchair, his hands under her armpits. Wren had always called armpits armcreases.

"ARMPIT." She would say, in her most low, growly disgusted voice. Then she would say, "Armcrease." Like a polite upper-classman who lays her napkin in her lap.

"Well," He grinned and started taking off her gown, but then stopped, frowning. "Oh my god..."

"What?" Cath said, terribly confused. She felt like she had something in her teeth, or something like that. then she looked down.

Her injuries were worse than she imagined. Her whole stomach was basically purple and gray, only a few spots of her normal skin color remained. So many bruises...

"Are you...hurting?" His big, beautiful bushy eyebrows came together in the center of his forehead.

"Um...a little. I'll tell you if i'm hurting."


"I promise."

"Swear on Simon Snow."

"I swear."

He then continued to take off her gown, but more carefully.

"Wait." Cath stopped him, and he pulled his hands away, scratching the back of his head.

"Are you hurting?"


"Then what is it?" He looked up, into her eyes.

"I don't want you to see me like this. Not that I think you'll care, but...One, I'd rather do this somewhere else. And two, it might be too risky. I don't want to be in a wheelchair longer than I have to."

"Okay. I understand." He half smiled, reasuringly.

He turned around, and faced the corner of the changing room. She changed out of her stupid gown, putting on jeans and her 'Keep Calm And Carry On, Simon' shirt. She collected the gown and bunched it up in her hands before throwing it into the trash. Why did bad things always have to happen to her? Whatever. Her bruises would heal in a few days, and she could kiss Levi all she wanted.

"Okay. You can look now." He turned around, and grabbed her wheelchair handles, Swirving her toward the door.

"Here we go!" She laughed as they shot past the nurses in the hallway. If only Wren and Jandro were here. Then they could wheelchair race, like old ladies in a nursing home. She laughed, really hard, for the first time in a while.

He stopped at the checkout desk, and signed her out.

The receptionist looked up, and smiled. "Did she sign the papers?"

"Yes ma'am." He gave her a big smile.

"Okay, then!" She gestured toward Cath. "You're free to go!"

Cath and Levi looked at each other, and smiled.

Finally, they were going to have lunch together. They were going to be able to talk like civilized people. She needed some normal.

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