Chapter 22

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I wake up to the smell of bacon cooking, and stretch my arms.

I look at my surroundings, and I'm on the floor mattress. He carried me upstairs last night. I was so tired I can hardly remember.

I try to walk down the stairs without tripping, and I do pretty well. When I first wake up, I get that crusty, puffy feeling in my eyes, the dry mouth, and the weakness of the bones and muscles. My hair is down, and I'm wearing a large baby blue tee, with gray and blue flower petal cheekies from Victoria's Secret. (Undies)

I want to eat without getting food in my hair, so I put it in a messy bun.

"Goodmorning." Levi says as I walk into the kitchen. He hugs me, then kisses me on the forehead.

"Goodmorning." A smile glues itself onto my face, and I lick my lips to keep them from splitting.

"Where did you get all this cooking stuff?" I ask. We haven't gone shopping yet.

"Stephan brought some kitchenware over. He said it was absolutely necessary that we cook food in our new house."


"I don't know. Good vibes?"

We both laugh because we have no idea what the hell we're talking about. We're both really relaxed when we wake up in the morning. It's about 9:30, and I have afternoon classes today. Levi has none, since he graduated..two years ago? He's been taking extra classes, so he's still in college, but he doesn't need to be.

He's going to apply for a job as a tutor around our area, since we don't own a ranch yet. We're just getting settled in, and I have to finish school. I'm a senior in college, so only a half a year to go.

I pull up a barstool and sit at the counter.

"Here you go." He sets a plate with bacon, eggs, and toast. Just the way I like-the eggs runny.

"Thanks hunny."

I'm about to take a bite when an extreme wave of nausea hits me. I drop my fork and slap my hand over my mouth.

"Cather? Are you ok-" before he can finish, I bolt to the bathroom. I feel so sick. I run into the bathroom and shut the door, quickly locking it.

And then I throw up.

I throw up a few quick times, then sit up. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

Levi knocks on the bathroom door.

"Cather?" He asks, his voice consumed with worry.

I sigh. I feel another wave coming, and I try to hold it down. No more.
A little tear rolls down my cheek. I just get really shaken up when I get sick like this. I don't like it. It freaks me out.

My voice is shaky. "Yeah..... I'm fine." I say, even though I'm really not. I flush the toilet.

"You're clearly not okay. Unlock the door."

I hesitate.

"Unlock the door." He says more firmly.

I obey.

He bolts in and slides down on his knees, hugging me firmly.

"I'm okay. I think it's from the wine I drank last night. I have a headache too."

He looks reassured, but still a bit worried.

"No more wine for you."

I try my best to smile, but I feel worry and excitement rising in my stomach.

Hi. Comment stuff and ya love ya😘

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