Chapter 17

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I must warn you that these characters are changing. They are no longer exactly like Rainbow Rowell's characters- I have shaped them a lot into my own. I'm sorry- it just kinda happened. I will continue to use the characters and their names, but their personalities will not be exact. Enjoy.

We lay on the couch, engulfed in each other's embrace.

The living room is nice. The couch is one of those big, black couches that goes longways, with a little couch attatched on the side. That way you get extra room. Then there's a coffee table pushed over to the side. (usually in the center, but the roomies wanted to play xbox earlier.) then there's a large bookshelf, and a flatscreen TV sits in the middle box. Boy. I wouldn't mind livin' in this house.

I'm wearing one of Levi's big, plaid t-shirts, with a cami underneath. The cami isn't tucked into my jeans, so my stomach is showing a little bit. I'm not wearing shoes, but socks + Levi keep me plenty warm.

It's about 10:30, and we're watching endless love. Endless love is my favorite love movie.

I shaved my legs and everything today. After breakfast I went home, showered, shaved my legs and everythin' else that generally needs shaving, (I don't need to go into detail) and cleaned myself real well. I smell fresh as a daisy. I also went by the grocery store and brought some ice cream to Levi's, and now you're all caught up.

We're at the part in Endless Love where they do the dancing game. It's where they give you about 15 minutes to compose a little dance to 30 seconds of a song they assign you, along with a partner.

I love that game.

When David and Jade's slow song comes on, Levi gets up, holding his hand out.

"What?" I ask, smiling.

"May I have this dance, Cather Avery?" He asks.

I take his hand. His arms stretch around my hips, and I put my arms around his neck. His touch makes me shiver with delight, and my heart beat quickens.

We dance slow, and even when the song ends, my head is still pressed against his shoulder, and we're still dancing.

I lift my head, getting a good look at Levi.

His hair is spiked up in various places, (as usual) mostly because I've been playing with it. His face has a sort of glow, and he looks happier than ever. I'm sure I look the same. (Hopefully not the hair part, though)

He leans in, and kisses me. It feels like nothing I've ever felt before. I mean, I've wanted him before, but never this much. We're in the perfect place at the perfect time. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he pushes me against the wall, putting pressure on my hips. Our clothes aren't off yet, but we both know where this is going. He tries to talk in between kisses.

"Are you sure you-want to-do this? I mean-"

I place my finger to his lips. "Shh."

I whisper. I rub my lips against the side of his face and to his ear. "Just take me to your room." And with that, we both laugh as he carries me up the stairs.

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