Chapter 5

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They got back onto College Avenue, (classy name) and headed towards campus. The speed limit was only 30 mph, due to 'construction'. Hah. Construction was a dumb-ass lie. 'Construction' basically stands for a bunch of morons who sit outside for eight hours, whistling at hot women and eating sandwiches that they picked up on the way to 'work'. Cath doubted that they even made their own damn sandwiches.

'Construction' causes these things in the form of stages:

1- Traffic 

2- Traffic

3- Worse traffic

4- Traffic for longer than a year

5- Angry people

6- More angry people


"So, are we just headin' back ta ye' dorm?" Wren was using a classic Pirate accent. They both agreed that accents were fun. Since they will only obviously live once, (or so they're told) and they were born in Nebraska, they might as well try all the fun accents they want. 

I can have an accent if i want to!   Wren would always say.

Why not? it's not like you get another life, in which you are born in Britain instead of America. And, even if you did get another life, It's not even guaranteed that you'll end up in Hawaii with the Hula dancers. You could end up in the middle of an African slave trade. That's why they always tell you to be careful what you wish for. Hah. Being specific had never been one of Cath's strong points, unless she was writing.

"Aye aye, Captain!" Cath replied, mimicking the Spongebob theme song.

They both laughed.

And then they screamed.

There was a silver truck, and it was in the wrong lane.

Their lane.

And it was heading straight for them.

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