Chapter 13 The Date

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It was almost time.


Ten minutes until Levi would pick her up and drive her to some unknown location, and planned to do unknown things. But that's what excited her.

Generally being left in the dark would totally freak her out, but this was different. This was excitement and adventure and fun.


"5 minutes, Cath. Are you sure you're ready to handle whatever Levi has planned?" Reagan asked as she walked in.

"I'm sure I can handle it."

Reagan scanned her up and down, observing her. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks." She smiled.

Ding dong.

Her heart skipped a beat.

"Good luck!" Reagan said, leaving through the deck. (Climbing down)

Cath took a deep breath, brushed off her dress, and opened the door.

Levi stood in a black suit with a white tie and a little white flower in his top pocket. But of course, Cath couldn't see that-she couldn't see anything. Her glasses were off.

"You look....Beautiful."

She looked at her shoes. "Thanks," She looked up, "You look fancy. I think.."

"I dressed for the occasion."

"And what would that be?"

She looked great, but she couldn't see a thing. She tried to look in the direction of his voice, but was probably failing miserably.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out. Oh, and...."

He grabbed her glasses off the dresser nearest to the door, and gently placed them on her face.

"You looked like a blind lady trying to find the light switch."

"Thanks," She laughed. "You look handsome as always."

"Why thank you m'lady. So," He held out his arm, "Shall we be off?"

She locked her arm in his as she locked the door, and they were off.

They pulled into his dorm lot, and parked the truck.

"The formal event is a...frat party?"

He laughed, grinning.

"No, but good guess."

There was a short pause as he sat looking at her.


"I'm thinking that if I concentrate hard enough, I'll absorb some of your glow and turn into Ashton Kutcher."

She laughed so hard that she had to try and not look ugly.

"Wait here."

He got out of the car, came around to her side, and opened her door.

"Right this way."

Immediately after they stepped through the door, he swept her off her feet, and spun her around.

He stopped spinning, and came up so close to her face that they were almost touching. He whispered in her ear, "Can you hear that?"

She listened closely.

Music. Jazzy music.

Coming from upstairs.

He started carrying her up the steps, taking only a few seconds for each flight. Then we reached his dorm, but he kept going up.
One more flight.
The roof.

He gently set her down.

"Close your eyes."

He gently placed his hands on her waist, and led her through the door.

She could feel warm lights dancing on her eyelids.


She couldn't believe her eyes.

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