Chapter 14

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In front of her were vanilla candles, leading to a table draped in a white cloth.

On the table was champagne, and cute little steaks. Towards the left sat a bed, with a canopy all around it except up. The stars would soon be gleaming, and he planned the perfect place to watch.


"Do you like it?"

"Do I like it?" Cath spun around to face Levi. "I LOVE it!" She hugged him until it hurt, and took it all in.

"Levi..." She struggled to hold back the tears as one kissed her cheek.

"What's wrong?" He took her hands in his.

That was the thing. Nothing was wrong. Everything was perfect.

She laughed, and cried tears of joy.

"This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me."

He grinned that big, beautiful grin.

She had never been so happy before. Not ever.

And that's how she knew she was in love.

He took her hand, and they sat down at the table.

This was so unlike Levi. He was usually simple. Laid back. But of course, Cath had no problem with the change.

She took one bite of steak, and instantly fell in love.

"There's no way you made this. It tastes amazing." She continued, "Not to harsh the mood or anything, but we all know you can't cook."

He laughed. "Actually," he began, "I signed up for a culinary class, so that I could surprise you."

"It worked," she said.

She slowed her chewing as he stared into her eyes.

Looking down, she poked at her food.

No nerves.

Not tonight.

She looked back up, straight into his eyes. And they ate that way for a while, just looking at each other. Understanding each other.

About 15 minutes later, they both finished their meals.

"Ready for dessert?"

She stared at him with her mouth wide open.

"No way."

"Yes way."

"What's on the menu?"

"I'll be right back," Levi said as he left the roof. He came back only 20 seconds later with a pan full of Simon and Baz cookies. They each had Simon and Baz on them, and they were kissing, little hearts floating above them.

"No way! You made these?"

"Well, I didn't bake them, but I pretty much decorated them, with the help of Stephan, of course. I couldn't even bake or decorate these cookies on my own even if I wanted to. Stephan would never let me." They both laughed as they ate their delicious cookies.

Stephan was Levi's gay roommate. He didn't like anyone in their dorm, so it wasn't awkward or anything. Stephan was actually a pretty good friend. His boyfriend was pretty funny, too.

"So, what else do you have planned?"

Well, I was thinking that we know..." He scratched the back of his neck, unable to find the right words.



"For God's sake. Just kiss me already!" She grabbed his neck and pulled him in close. The kiss took him by surprise. He wrappped his arms around her waist, and pulled her over to the canopy bed.

Before Cath could object, Levi was on top of her, slowly kissing down her neck. Then he rolled over on his back, and put his arm around her. There was not much light pollution since they were pretty high up, which gave the stars enough comfort to come out from behind their hiding places.

Cath nestled her head into Levi's shoulder, and felt herself drifting off to sleep.

"I love you." Levi whispered.

Cath smiled underneath her arm, which was lying on top of Levi's chest.

"I love you too." She replied.

And then, she slept the best she had ever slept in her entire life.

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