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Once you were done with your yoga class, with the professional yoga teacher Harry's been paying for you, you decided to relax for a bit and drink some water.

You couldn't help but wonder where your sweet loving boyfriend Harold was, so you decided to go find him.

Hmmm....where is that goofball? You thought as you searched the gym.

You finally saw a bunch of curls wrapped up in a bandana and knew right away it was Harry.

You walked up to the boxing rink Harry was in and watched him as he threw powerful punches at the punching pads his trainor was wearing.

"Damn girl" you heard someone mutter behind you.

You turned around to see some guys staring you down, but one in particular made you very uncomfortable as he kept looking at you.

"I'm Kevin....and you are?" The guy who kept staring at you asked.

"Taken" you heard a voice say from behind you.

You turned around to see Harry, and he jumped out of the rink so he was standing with you.

"And I'm Harry. And I'd love it if you left my girlfriend alone" Harry spoke, eyeing Kevin rudely.

Kevin rolled his eyes and walked off along with the other guys.

Harry looked at me but then quickly looked at my attire.

"Damn" he murmured.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"No wonder he was making googly eyes at you. Your boobs are spilling out of your tank top and those damn tights you're wearing are showing off your ass pretty damn well. And no matter how hot you look, it's my job to keep these pricks off my girl" Harry explained.

I blushed immediately and quickly fixed my tank top.

"Don't worry love, you look gorgeous....I just wanna be the only one to enjoy it" Harry added.

I smiled and kissed his lips softly, earning a moan from him.

"I'm yours.....and no one else's" I assured my boyfriend.

"Good....let's keep it that way" he begged. "How was yoga?"

"It was great, I feel so relaxed".

"You wanna try something?" He suddenly asked.


Instead of giving me an answer, he picked me up, placing me over his shoulders and walking us onto the rink.

He then set me down and placed boxing gloves on my hands.

"Oh god..." I breathed out.

"Now...I'm going to teach you how to box. That way, any fucker like kendrick or whatever his name was thinks they can just plant a move on'll give them a knuckle sandwich" Harry promised.

I couldn't help but laugh at how cute he was.

"Harry, you're overreacting".

"I wouldn't call it overreacting.....just protective. Now, I'm going to tackle you and I want you to try and get me off okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Ok...ready.....go" he said and in the blink of an eye I was tackled onto the ground, although somehow Harry managed to make sure I wasn't hurt.

"Get me off babe" he pleaded.

I started pushing him and kicking and shoving as much as I could....but he didn't even move an inch which only caused him to chuckle.

"Harry...don't laugh at me, I'm bad at this" I said frustrated.

"Aww baby. You're not bad at this....just try everything you know that will get me off" he hinted.

I then started pulling his hair which didn't work.

I even tried telling him there was a random banana laying on the floor which he simply declined because he 'had one earlier'.


What the hell will make him get off?

I couldn't think of anything else except for one thing.


"Babe look, Kevin's coming back".

"Where???" Harry asked popping up immediately and looking around the large gym.

I then rushed up and kicked him in the back of his knee, causing him to tumble down.

I sat on top of him, my hands by his head and my nose touching his.

"Gotcha" I teased.

He smacked my bum causing me to giggle.

"Dont do that. I thought i was about to have to kick some ass" he said.

"Oh Harry" I laughed.

"I love you babe" he said.

"I love you more".

"I know you do" he teased."Now get your pretty little bum up so we can practice some more moves" he said, flipping us over and standing up, only to be offering me a hand.

I gladly took it and he pulled me into his arms, placing a big kiss onto my lips.

"Gotcha" he winked.

I smiled and kissed him once more.

"Ok baby girl, let's get started".

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