He's sick

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You heard a numerous amount of coughing from your bedroom and you ran upstairs immediately.

You opened the door to see Harry still in bed.

"You okay?" You asked as you passed his water bottle over to him.

"I'm fine" he lied.

"Harry.....are you sick?" You asked.

He looked away.

You walked towards him and placed your hand onto his forehead.

"You're so hot" you gasped.

"So are you" he grinned.

You chuckled.

Oh Harry.

He could be laying on his death bed getting ready to die and he would still make a cheeky comment.

And that's one of the things you love about him.

"I'm gonna take off work and take care of you" you spoke.

He shook his head.

"Baby no. I'm actually gonna go to work" he said.

You stared at him with wide eyes.

"Harry no. You're staying home and I'm going to take care of you whether you like it or not" you scolded.




"Shut up" you said, causing Harry to laugh.

"I'm gonna make some soup, okay?" You said and he nodded.

"Love?" You heard harry ask, before you almost walked out the room.

You turned to look at him.


"I hate to be selfish....and I don't want you to get sick but.....can I please have a kiss?" He begged.

You smiled.

How cute.

You made your way back over to him and placed your lips over his.

You pulled away and brushed his curls out of his face.

"I love you Y/ N."

"I know" you smiled.

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