Baby love

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"WAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" My baby sister yelled.

"Shhhhh, it's ok. Please stop crying" I begged her.

She continued to scream at the top of her lungs, Harry ran into the room and took my sister out of my hands.

"'s ok my love" Harry cooed to the beautiful baby.

He rocked her in his arms and she stopped crying, staring at harry with wide eyes.

Yes I know girl.....he's a sexy man.

"There.....all better....yea?" Harry asked the baby.

She gave a soft smile and my jaw dropped.

"How did you do that?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"I always loved babies....I guess it's just kinda in my nature" he smiled, placing a kiss on her head.

" she's stealing my kisses....I can't believe her" I accused, causing Harry to laugh.

He walked towards me and wrapped an arm around me.

"No one can ever take your kisses away" he promised me, kissing my temple and squeezing my bum.

I slapped his hand away.

"Watch it styles" I laughed.

He sat down in the rocking chair as I started to leave the room.

"You're gonna stay in here?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

" have a beautiful sister. She's just as beautiful as you. I'm gonna see if I can rock her to sleep so we can cuddle" Harry explained.

I blushed at his cuteness.

"Ok babe. I'll be downstairs" I told him.

He nodded and blew me a kiss, before closing his eyes and relaxing back into the chair.

I walked out the room and stood by the corner of the door where Harry couldn't see me.

"You're very beautiful. Just like you're sister love. You can fall asleep on me cutie, I'm right here.....I promise" Harry said to the baby.

I smiled.

Right then and there I knew.....

Harry was going to be an amazing father.

I rubbed my belly in circular motions.

Now it's just time to tell him the news.....


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