You're drunk

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"LET'S PARTY!!!!!!!" Y/ N screamed as I placed her gently onto the bed.

I chuckled at the beautiful girl.

"You just got done partying with your friends baby. How about we get some sleep instead?" I asked.

"No!! You party shitter!!!" Y/ N complained.

"Party shitter huh?" I asked smiling widely.

She nodded and pouted.

"Aww...don't give me those sad eyes princess...." I begged.

"Undress me" she demanded.

I have to admit....the way she demanded me was pretty hot.

I wonder if she would ever consider us doing this while we were having se-

Snap out of it Harold!

I nodded and started raising her dress.

She looked amazing....a little too amazing if you asked me.

I started frowning, pissed that her friends would let her dress in an all tight little black dress and let guys drool all over her while I wasn't there to protect my girl.

I only let her go without me because she begged me.

But I swear if I find out a guy laid a finger on her, I'm going to-

"Harry hurry up" Y/ N whined.

I quickly took the dress off of her and pushed her gently onto the bed.

"Lay down for me baby" I said.

"Oh I'll lay down for you alright" she winked.

I winked back, having a bit of fun with this silly drunk girl.

I took her heels off for her, massaging her small feet.

"Harry...." she whispered.

"Yes baby?"

"I want you....bad" she moaned.

I won't deny that I was definitely starting to get a hard on...but there's a problem.

She's drunk.


And I won't take advantage of her.

"Not tonight love" I said.

"But harry....why? I'm so wet for you....and I want you inside of me now.....You and big long di-"

I quickly covered her mouth before she could finish her sentence.

"You were not about to say what I think you were about to say" I laughed.

She did nothing but lick my hand and smile devilishly.

I chuckled and took my hand from her mouth.

"Maybe tomorrow sweetheart but not tonight. Let's get some sleep doll" I begged.

She rolled her eyes but nodded.

She laid down in her bra and underwear and flipped over so she was laying on her stomach.

I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder down her incredible body and cute little bum.

I took my pants off along with my shirt and hopped into bed with her.

"Good night darling" I whispered in her ear.

I looked at her face to see if she heard me but she loudly snored causing me to let out a loud laugh at my adorable girl.

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