Tell him

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Hey babes!!

Here's an imagine for my babe Taylor_Roxy

Hope you enjoy hun!!!

I stared at the item in my hand.

Positive, it read.

I couldn't believe it....

This was actually happening...

When it wasn't suppose to....

"I'm pregnant" the words left my lips, sounding so foreign.

Shock ran throughout my body at the realization...but an painful feeling filled my stomach as I remembered the one person that did this to me.


Only one thought filled my head....

Tell him....

I needed to tell harry....

But he'd be mad at me....

He wouldn't be mad....he'd the good boyfriend he is....

He'd hate me forever....

He would be so proud....

He'll leave me....

I shrugged off the annoying angle and devil that sat on my shoulders and placed the pregnancy test on the counter of the bathroom.

I need to tell him.

I need to tell him.

I need to tell hi-

"TAYLOR!!" I heard my name being called.


He's home.

I rushed downstairs where I found Harry holding flowers and chocolates in his hands.

He grinned at me as I walked up to him.

"For you ma'lady" he smiled, handing me the flowers and chocolates.

"Harry....You didn't need to do this" I assured him.

No really....

He didn't need to do this.

Today wasn't a special day for celebrating....

Not yet anyway....

Tell him....

"But baby I wanted to. When I was driving home I just kept thinking of you...and then I stopped to get you some flowers and chocolates because I thought that's what you'd like" he explained.

I smiled up at my amazing boyfriend.

"Thank you Harry."

"Anytime kitten" he said, taking the flowers and chocolates from my hand and placing them on the coffee table so he could wrap his arms around me and place his lips on mine.

His lips were so smooth....and I was falling under the trap of not telling him the most important thing.

Tell him....

Harry suddenly pulled away and gave me a confused expression.


"You okay?" He questioned.

"Yea....why?" I lied.

"Oh you just um....stopped kissing me...and I thought something was wrong. Sorry."

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