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Today's the day.

You were leaving Harry.

It hurt like hell to know you were going to do this.

You love him to death....but you can't go through this hate anymore.

Fans, fans and more fans every day felt the need to bring your self-esteem down by calling you bad names and telling them how heart broken you'll be once Harry leaves you.

You just can't do it anymore.

You finished zipping up your travel bag which had all of your stuff in it since you were moving out of Harry's house.

"Baby!!! Guess who brought home Chinese!!!!" You heard harry scream as he entered the house.

You heard shuffling downstairs and then footsteps stomp their way up the stairs and into the bedroom.

"Hello Petal" Harry grinned at you.


The nickname he gave you because he claims you 'remind him of a flower' so much because of how beautiful and sweet you are.

You turned away, trying to hide the tears forming in your eyes.

"Why is there a bag packed?" Harry asked grabbing your hand and pulling you close to him.


Here it goes.

"Harry.....I'm leaving..." You muttered.

"Leaving where?" Harry asked.

You stayed quiet and looked around the room, trying to find something else to focus on, other than his eyes.

"Baby....if this is about the house Bill.....I already told you, I'm going to take care of it. You know I'll always take care of my girl and you should never ever have to worry about money when you're with me love. I'll always pay a-" harry was saying until you cut him off.

"That's not it Harry....I just....I can't do this anymore" you spoke, your eyes going back to his.

"Do what anymore?" He asked, his eyes starting to swell with tears.

He knew what was to come.

"Us" you whispered.

Harry dropped to his knees in front of you and sobbed.

"Baby.....no.....", he cried. "I won't let you leave me."

"Harry....I can't do it anymore...I love you so much-"

"Then stay-"

"But the fans...the ones that hate me.....I can't go through this everyday Harry....I'm not confident okay? I'm not you. And I'm sure you'll leave me anyway" you cried.

Harry stood back up, grabbing your face in his hands.

"Baby....please....I'm begging you.....don't leave me....I can't live without you Y/ N....we're made for each other and I won't let you walk out on this relationship because some people are jealous. You can't worry about them love, and I know it hurts....trust me....it kills me that you have to go through hate.....and I swear baby if I can take it all away....I would....Without hesitation. You and me....have a whole lot of history.....so don't let it go.....we can make some more, we can live forever" Harry promised.

You gave a sad smile and nodded.

"Y/ N....please promise me you won't ever ever ever ever ever leave....please.....I'll do anything" he said.

You sighed and wrapped your arms around his neck.

You don't know what's gotten into you and you quickly calmed down when Harry's arms wrapped around your body.

"I promise" you said and Harry immediately pulled you in for a deep kiss.

He suddenly pulled away and stared at you.

"What the hell possessed you into thinking I would ever leave you?" Harry asked, a hint of playfulness found in his voice.

You laughed.

"Don't ever think that Crap again. I could never leave my Mrs. Styles."

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