You're jealous

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You and Harry walked into the salad shop and took your seats.

"I'm starving" you grumbled causing Harry to laugh.

"Me too. Let's never skip breakfast like that again" Harry suggested and you nodded in agreement.

"Hi, I'm Sammy and I'll be your waiter...can I start you guys off with so-"

Our waitress suddenly stopped talking as she looked at harry.

"Woah..." she breathes out a small smirk tugging at the ends of her lips.

"Ahem" you cleared your throat, trying to get Blondie's attention away from harry.

"Um right, what can I get you guys for drinks?" Blondie asked, still staring at harry.

"Water, please" Harry said, smiling at the girl.

"Water it is" she nodded, winking at harry.


I don't think so.

"And I'll take a lemonade" you said.

You looked up at Sara or whatever her name was but she was long gone, fetching Harry's water.

"Oh okay..." You frowned.

"Sorry baby. We'll tell her again when she comes back around" Harry suggested.

Once Blondie made her way back to us, she placed Harry's water down on the table, bending over a bit so Harry could get a clear view of her cleavage.

"Fucking skank" you murmured.

"What's that?" Blondie asked.

"Oh nothing" you said giving a fake smile.

Harry chuckled.

"Can I get you guys your salads?" Blondie asked, twisting her hair with her fingers and leaning closer to Harry.

"I don't know....can you stop flirting with my boyfriend?" You snapped back.

She turned her attention to you and raised her eyebrows.

"I don't know....can you afford better clothes?" She snapped back.

Harry's eyes went wide and he immediately stopped you from saying something back, knowing you were about to pop little miss barbies head off.

"Woah okay. That's not the way you talk to my girlfriend and yea I would like to get my salad....from another waiter" Harry barked.

"That's right....bye sally" you smiled.

She rolled her eyes and left.

"Thanks..." You muttered to Harry.

He grabbed your hands from across the table.

"No problem baby.......I have to was pretty cute seeing you jealous like that" Harry smirked.

"I wasn't jealous" you lied.

"Mmmmm" Harry hummed, bringing your hands up to his lips so he could place soft kisses.

You rolled your eyes and huffed.

"Yep....totally not jealous" Harry chuckled.

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