He's your brother part 2

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You shuffled through all the cute clothes as you stood in your favorite shopping store.

"Thanks for bringing me" you said to harry who was talking on the phone.

"Yea yea" he said, giving you a gesture of his hand, signaling for you to shut up.

You rolled your eyes and smiled a bit.

You kept looking through the clothes and finally found a cute- scratch that.....a hot dress for the party tonight.

It was a tight black dress and it had a big opening where the back could show.

I nodded my head in satisfaction and kept holding onto the dress.

"No" harry spoke, eyeing you.

You looked at him confused and shrugged your shoulders walking around to find some matching shoes.

Maybe he wasn't talking to me, you thought.

"I said no" Harry said again.

You turned around.

"What are you talking about?" You asked.

"I saw the way you smiled at the dress when you picked it up. I said no" he repeated, then turned his attention back to the phone to continue his conversation.

You placed your hand on your hip.

Who the hell does he think he is?

"Don't tell me what to do" you said.

"Actually I'm the big brother, therefore I can tell you whatever the fuck I want to. Got it? Now put the dress back" Harry said, his voice raising slightly as he gave you an intense glare.

You groaned and stomped over to the rack to put the dress back.

You walked over to the rack of shoes to see if there was any you would want.

You sat down on the bench with a pout on your face that you knew Harry couldn't resist.

"Aye lad I'll call you back" You heard Harry say into the phone before making his way over to you.

"You can pout all you want, you're still not getting the dress, love" Harry chuckled as he took a seat next to you.

You continued to pout, poking your lip out even more.

Harry let out a small laugh and poked your cheek.

"How about we find a different dress, yea?" He suggested.

"Why can't I wear that dress?" You asked, referring to the one you wanted.

"Because....if you don't it'll be easier for me to keep pricks off of you" he said.

Your phone suddenly stared ringing, revealing the number of your stupid ex boyfriend.

"Pricks like that one" Harry muttered under his breath.

He absolutely hated your ex for what he's done to you.

Not only has he broke your heart, but it was also an abusive relationship.

"What do you want?" You whisper-yelled into the phone, trying not to attract attention from others.

Harry started picking at his nails, pretending like he wasn't listening to your conversation.

"Just you....and all of you" your ex spoke.

You rolled your eyes.

After five minutes of arguing with him, Harry finally became fed up and took the phone from you.

"Listen bitch. Leave my sister the hell alone. She wants nothing to do with you and if you can't understand that, come talk it out with me. I'll make sure it gets stuck inside that tiny ass peanut you call a brain. Bother my sister again and I swear I'll fucking kill you. So it's your choice. Either fuck off or get fucked up....understand?" Harry growled into the receiver.

Your eyes went wide.

Well then....

He hung up the phone and gave it back.

"Now, shall we continue shopping?" Harry asked casually, standing up and reaching a hand down for you.

You grinned widely and took his hand.

Oh Harold.

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