I'll do anything

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I shift my head to the other side of my pillow, tightening my arms around nothing but the covers, opening my eyes as I lay in shock.

Where has my kitten gone?

And how have I not noticed?

I sit up and look towards the bathroom door.

Y/ N isn't in there, because if she was I would have heard noise by now.

I get out of bed and shuffle around the room looking for my shirt.

It's no where around, meaning someone must be wearing it.

I keep my boxers on and walk slowly down the stairs where I'm greeted with the amazing smell of breakfast filling my nostrils.

I peek inside the kitchen just to see Y/ N making eggs in the pan.

She stirs the eggs as she adds salt and pepper, and I can't help it when my eyes travel down her heavenly body adoring her long, sexy legs as my shirt hugs her curves, stopping by her mid thigh.

I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, laying my head on her shoulder.

"Good morning baby girl" I whisper.

She sets the spatula down and turns around in my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck and playing with the ends of my hair.

"Good morning dimples" she smiles widely at me.

"What are you doing up so early? And you have some explaining to do as to why I woke up not holding you in my arms" I playfully scolded her, resting my forehead on hers.

She giggled, the angelic sound filling my ears and lifting my heart.

"It's not that early, and I wanted to make my boyfriend some breakfast" she explained.

I pressed my lips softly to her neck, moving lower and lower to her collarbone as my hands trailed their way down to her bum, giving a slight squeeze.

"Do you know how much I love you?" I asked her, my nose stil nuzzled into her neck.


"How many nights does it take to count the stars?" I questioned.

She though for a bit.

"How much?" She wondered.


She smiled up at me and lifted onto her tip toes so her lips could brush against mine.

"You're so sweet" she blushed, as she pulled away, making me feel lonely.

"You're so perfect...." I replied.

Her face flushed in a bright color of red and her cheeks became chubbier as she smiled her widest.

God, she's killing me with this adorableness.

"Damn you're beautiful" I whispered, brushing my nose against hers.

I placed my lips to hers again but opened my eyes when I smelled something burning a bit.

I kept my lips on hers as I opened my eyes to look over her shoulder to the eggs.

They weren't burning or anything, but smoke was steaming in the air.

I wrapped one arm around her waist while my other hand reached behind her to turn the fire off.

She pulled away again and turned around, a gasp leaving her smooth lips.

"I'm such a terrible cook" she groaned, throwing her hands in the air.

I let out a laugh as she started to get out new eggs.

She placed them into the pan as she started making freshly new ones, and I wrapped my arms around her, placing my hand over hers as she continued to fix the eggs.

I could get use to making breakfast like this every morning.

As long as I'm with Y/ N....I'll do anything

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