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Hey babes!! This is a request for a friend of mine!! @harrys_princesss94


Hope you babes enjoy too!!!!

"LAUREN!!! BABE HELP!!!!!" Harry yelled for me.

I quickly ran upstairs and opened the door to me and Harry's room.

"What's wrong haz?" I asked nervously.

I stared at the beautiful boy before me.

He was standing by the end of the bed, his hands placed on his chest where his heart was.

He let out a long sigh as he slightly whimpered.

He pain.

"Harry what's wrong??" You asked again.

"My hurts baby....." he breathed.

My heart quickly raced as my mind jumped to the thought of Harry having chest pains.

"Are you okay? What happened?" You asked, placing your hand onto his chest, rubbing in circles slowly.

"You weren't with me.....and I missed you" he said.

You saw the smirk daring to form on Harry's lips.

You groaned and smacked his head as he grinned at you.

"Harold don't do that shit again. You scared me" you complained.

Harry started laughing, thinking his prank was very funny.

I don't know what I would have done if something happened to my Harry.

I pouted at him.

"Aww. Don't be mad baby" Harry begged.

I rolled my eyes and turned away.

Harry wrapped his arms around me and placed kisses up and down my neck.

"Lauuuurrrrreeeeeennnnnnn" Harry cooed, taking my earlobe between his teeth causing me to giggle.

"That's my girl" Harry chuckled.

I smiled at him as my back was still pressed to his front.

"Marry me......" Harry whispered ever so lightly.

I froze.

I turned around to stare at my boyfriend of 4 years, my eyes wide as he stared back at me, hope in his beautiful orbs.

"What?" I murmured.

He gave me a smile and got down on one knee, pulling out a small box, revealing the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.

"Oh my god" I gasped, clapping my hands over my mouth as the tears started rushing down my face.

"Ever since you came into my've made me the most happiest man in the world. As a person grows up, they're suppose to make the world their own....have their own world....and baby....I can't imagine a world without you....please be my forever and always....and make me the happiest man on earth......and marry me" Harry spoke.

"Yes....yes!!" I cheered as he slid the ring onto my finger.

Harry smiled widely, standing up to cradle me in his arms.

"I love you so much" he said.

"I love you more Harry" I promised.

My lips connected with his quickly as his hands moved up and down my sides in a desperate quick manner.

"Fuck-I love you so much Lauren" Harry muttered against my ear, sucking on my sweet spot.

I moaned into his ear causing him to let out a laugh.

"Jump" he softly said.

I jumped up, him easily catching me in his arms and bringing us towards the bed.

He laid back onto it, and I started grinding my front against his.

"Jesus...." Harry moaned, throwing his head back in satisfaction.

He grabbed onto my hips, quickening my pace on him.

The pleasure of him rubbing against me made my pulse quicken.

Sweet, scattered moans flew through the room as I took his soft curls and pulled them.

"I can't take this any longer baby girl. I need you. Now" Harry groaned.

He quickly ripped my clothes off along with his and in a matter of seconds, I was pulled under him so he hovered over me, careful not to put too much weight on me.

Without warning Harry thrusted into me causing a loud moan to escape my lips.

Harry paused for a moment and looked into my eyes, making sure I wasn't hurt.

"You alright kitten?" He asked, worry clear in his voice.

I nodded my head, unable to speak.

He placed his lips onto my neck and found my sweet spot again, waiting patiently as I became accustomed to his long length being inside of me.

I gave harry a quick nod, gesturing for him to go on.

He placed a sweet slobbery kiss to my lips and started moving inside of me.

His movements were first slow, but started to become quicker the more we started to reach our highs.

"oh god...Harry....." I moaned, digging my nails into his back.

He sucked harder on my neck, trying to quiet his moans.

There was definitely going to be a mark left on me tomorrow.

Harry always loved claiming his territory on me.

He continued to move quickly, bringing his hand down so it could meet my center and rub my bundle.

My moans became louder and before I knew it, I was screaming his name in pleasure.

We rode out our highs together, Harry collapsing on me afterwards.

He rolled off and laid next to me, sweat covering the both of our faces.

"God that was...." You breathed out.

"Fucking amazing" Harry finished.

You smiled and kissed his lips.

"I love you harry."

"I love you too Lauren styles" he grinned.

Hope you enjoyed Lauren!!

Hope you guys enjoyed as well!!!

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