What makes you beautiful

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"Dammit...they're uneven" you groaned as you stared at yourself in the mirror, looking at the two eyes that have different designs of eyeliner on them.

"Babe....put that shit away and snuggle with me" Harry begged you.

"Harry were about to go to a party in an hour...I just want my makeup to look good" you protested.

Suddenly the eyeliner was pulled from your hand.

"Hey! Give it back" you yelled at harry.

"No" he calmly said.

"Harry seriously, this isn't funny. Give it back" you pouted.

"Babe...You don't need this....You wear it every single day...why?? It's shit" he preached.

"Well it may be shit to you but this is what makes me beautiful so...." You said, snatching the eyeliner back from him.

His face dropped.

"I can't believe those words just left your mouth" Harry said, seeming surprised.

"What?" You asked him.

He softly took the eyeliner from you and grabbed a bag, throwing all your makeup into it.

"Harry!! What are you do-"

"Shhhh, trust me. You have to see the truth" Harry spoke, freaking you out a bit.

"The truth about what?" You questioned.

"Y/ N!! You don't know how beautiful you are. I don't wanna see this shit on your face for the next two weeks...at least....You need to see how beautiful you are. How dare you say this Crap makes you beautiful? Huh? This shit is a disguise. A fucking blockage. Blocking everyone from seeing how truly gorgeous you are without it. And you know what? I like you makeup free. In fact I love it. Any person that has a problem with you not wearing makeup can talk it out with me. Because it seems I'm the only one that knows what beautiful really is.....it's you Y/ N......You.. I love when you wear your pj's and wear a messy bun with no makeup on. Key word, NO. This makeup shit....is a disgrace to the world and it pisses me off that girls feel they need to wear this to feel and be beautiful when really....they don't even know the truth about themselves. They are beautiful. You don't need a fucking model body, or tanned skin or a thigh gap....that shit is stupid and excuse my language but this world is pretty fucked up and I'm telling you in about three days I'm taking you with me and we're moving to mars so we can get away from this bullshit. You are so fucking gorgeous Y/ N.....please please please believe me when I say this.....no one.....and I mean no one needs make up.....especially you.....why would a beautiful girl like you cover herself up when she's already gorgeous? It just doesn't make sense to me. So please baby, don't wear makeup to the party and for a while.....two weeks....please....I want you to wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and see what's really beautiful....okay?" Harry spoke.


That was so....

"Sweet..." You smiled. "You're so sweet...thank you Harry. I'm sorry for getting mad at you" you apologized.

Harry opened his arms wide for you which you happily fell into.

"I'll forgive you....if you do four things for me..." Harry hinted.

Oh god.

"What?" You asked.

"One....hug me tighter. I love your hugs" he begged making you giggle.

You did as he said.

"Two.....kiss me. You're the princess.....I'll be your beast.....your frog....your knight in shining armor, you name it.....I'm yours....and I need to know that you're mine too" Harry said.

You stated blushing and placed your lips onto his.

"I'm yours" you promised. "And you're mine."

"Good. Now, Three....say you're beautiful without makeup" he challenged.

You cringed a bit but then remembered the beautiful speech Harry gave.

It gave you a boost of confidence.

"I'm beautiful without makeup" you spoke.

"Again" he begged.

"I'm beautiful without makeup" you smiled.

"One more time" he grinned.

"I'm. Beautiful. Without. Makeup." You said in between the kisses Harry was giving you.

"Good. Now four....." He began.

He got onto his knees, pulling out a ring from a small box.

"Marry me?" He asked, smiling widely at you, although you could see the fear he had in his eyes.

"Oh my god...Harry yes of course!!" You cheered, as he slipped the beautiful diamond ring onto your finger.

He raised up and wrapped you in his arms tightly, spinning you around.

"SHE SAID YES!!!!" He screamed at the ceiling causing you to giggle.

"Forget the party, I want to spend time with my soon to be husband" you suggested

"Nope, we're still going to that party, although I would love to spend time with my Mrs. Styles, we still need to show people what's beautiful" he said.

"Ugh fine" you gave in.

"Great. Now let's get dressed" Harry smiled.

You nodded, the two of you leaving the bathroom to go inside the massive closet you had.

"You know...if this works out well....maybe I can even get you to wear no makeup on our wedding day" harry chuckled.

You turned around and raised your eyebrows up.

"Okay styles....now you're pushing it" you laughed.

"You know, technically I could call you styles now too?" Harry smirked.

You nodded and blew him a kiss from across the room as you two began getting dressed.

Once you guys were done, you did your hair and walked out of the house hand in hand with harry.

"Now...let's go show these people what makes you beautiful" Harry smiled, dimples on full display.

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