No control

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"So, any girls you boys have your eyes on?" Jimmy Kimmel asked the four boys that sat on stage.

"Sophia smith" Liam smiled.

"A beautiful girl name Eleanor Calder" Louis said.

"Possibly....Selena Gomez....I don't know..." niall said, obviously hard for him to get out an answer.

"And what about you Harry? Anyone catch your eye?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes actually...." Harry spoke.

"Who?" Jimmy said.

"Y/NNNNNNNNNN!!!" Louis, Liam and niall sung.

Harry started blushing while the guys gave him past on the back.

"Y/ N is it?" Jimmy asked.

Harry nodded.

"Y/ N Y/L/N...I'm actually dating her....she's absolutely amazing and so beautiful...and....I'm just so lucky to have someone like her in my life......her cuddles are the best" Harry smiled, admitting a bit too much information.

"Aww!!" The crowd yelled.

"Oh god, don't get the boy started" Louis complained.

"It's true. When he starts, he just can't stop" niall smiled.

"He won't shut up" Liam joined in.

"I have no control" Harry laughed.

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