Your first time

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After harry was done going down on you, he kissed up your stomach, to your neck and soon your lips.

He pulled away to look into your eyes.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

You nodded uneasily.

" can tell me if you're not know I'd never pressure you into anything you don't want to do, love. When you're ready...I'm ready" he assured you.

You smiled.

"Harry....I'm ready...and I don't want to lose this to the wrong're the right person and there's no one else I'd rather be doing this with" you promised him.

He smiled and kissed your lips.

"Okay baby" he said, placing the condom on and leveling himself. "Y/ N...this is your first's going to hurt baby. But if the pain is too much, please...please don't hesitate to tell me. I'll stop right away" he said, meaning every word as he started into your eyes.

You nodded your head for him to go on and he slipped his length inside of you.

You gasped loudly as pain shot through your body.

Tears quickly started to fall since it hurt like hell.

Harry's eyes met yours immediately and he gave you a pained expression.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry, I'll stop-"

"No...don' feels good" you interrupted.

He sighed.

"But're crying" he replied.

"No...please just...keep going harry" you begged.

You could tell he didn't want to since your tears were still falling, but he did as you said and repeated his actions.

You continued to gasp as he stretched you out the more he deepened himself.

His lips met your neck.

"I know baby girl...I know" he whispered.

He bit down on your neck, making you forget about the pain and only feel pleasure.

And within seconds there was no pain at all....only love.

Moans followed by cursing flew through the room as you and Harry reached your highs together.

"I love you so much baby" Harry panted as he pulled out and rested beside you.

"Mmmm" was all you could hum since you were so out of breath.

Harry chuckled at your lack of response and pulled you closely to him, wrapping you in his arms, tangling your legs together and placing his lips on yours.

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