You wear his shirt

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It was 11:34pm and you were starting to get tired.

You and Harry were laying in bed, you wrapped up in his arms, and you got up to grab some night clothes.

You heard a long sigh escape his lips and you looked over to him.

He was pouting.

"Aww, what's wrong?" You asked smiling widely at just how adorable he looked.

"My girlfriend just left me.....left me feeling alone.....and cold....." he whined.

You giggled.

"Well just hold on impatient boy, I'm just trying to get comfortable for bed. You should do the same" you suggested.

He stood up, ridding his shirt and black skinny jeans, leaving him in just his boxers with a big head full of curls.

He laid back down on the bed and smiled.

"There....done" he said proudly.

"You have a big head" you chuckled.

He shrugged.

"And you have a nice ass" he smirked.

"Harry!!" You scolded.

You took your clothes off and quickly grabbed one of Harry's shirt, trying to hurry up before a perverted comment leaves his mouth.

You crawled into bed and he grinned at you.

Oh comes the perverted comment.

"You look awfully damn adorable in my clothes....better than me in fact" he complimented.

You smiled and laid into his arms.

"I know I do" you agreed.

"Oooh, getting cocky are we?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nope only you are..." You said.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, obviously confused.

You gestured your eyes towards his member which was sticking up.

He immediately started blushing, causing you to laugh

"You think that's funny?" Harry asked.

You nodded happily.

"That's it" he groaned flipping you over so he was on top of you.

And with that, he attacked you with a bunch of tickles.

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