Your ex texts you

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You were laying down on the couch with harry.

Your head on his lap.

His hand on your bum.

The two of you were watching the notebook until your phone suddenly buzzed.

Harry picked it up off your stomach and checked it.

He tensed up and you quickly looked up at him.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"Your ex texted you...." He breathed out.

"What?" You asked shock.

You took your phone from him and sat up.

You opened the text message that was indeed from your ex.

You can't believe he had the nerve.

You then started texting him, knowing Harry was reading over your shoulder.

Ex: Hey baby....I miss you so much...let's say you ditch one hit loser and come back to me?

You: And why would I do that?

Ex: Because I get a boner every time I think of you ;)

You: Awww, you wanna know something? :)

Ex: What babe?

You: My middle finger gets a boner every time I think of you <3

You sent the message and blocked your ex.

You looked up at harry, seeing him smile widely.

"Do I have the best girlfriend.....or do I have the best girlfriend?" He laughed.

You kissed his lips and layed back down on his lap so you two could continue the movie.

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