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You were sitting on the couch with harry, watching tv, having a normal relaxing day.

"Is it weird when I moan?" Harry suddenly asked.

Your eyes went wide at his question and your turned your head so you could face him.

Pure wonder hung onto his face.

"What?" You asked.

"Do you like when I moan?" He asked yet another question.

"Harry, what.....why are you even talking about this?"

"Well....I don't when we're making love-"

"Oh lord-"

"I always wondered what my moan sounded like" he explained. "Does it sound like 'oh!!!!' Or 'oh!!!!' " he moaned in different octaves.

"Harry....can we not talk about this-"

"Or do I yell? Do I go 'YEA!!!!' Or 'OH BABY YEAAAA!' " he continued annoyingly.

"Harry...please stop" you begged blush creeping onto your face.

"Or is it ' YEA YEA YEA!!!!' Or 'OH OH OH!!!!' Or-"



"HAROLD!!!" You screamed.

By this time your face was red from embarrassment while Harry's was full of amusement.

"Is this conversation done now?" You hoped.

He grinned and placed his lips on yours pulling away to let out a small laugh.

You rolled your eyes and stared back at the tv.

Thank god....

Finally peace and quiet from Harry's annoying moaning conversation.....


"I like your moans....You're like "OH BABY YEA YEA YEA!!!"

"HAROLD OUT!!!!" You yelled pointing upstairs so he could leave you alone.

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