Don't forget where you belong

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It's been three months since you saw harry.

The two of you got into your worst argument yet, causing you to scream at him and break up with him for his mistake.

You slowly walked up to his house, uncertainty filling your body.

Was this even a good idea?

I was his idea in the first place.

You pulled out the ripped up, crumbled piece of paper out of your pants pocket to look at the note he had left at your front door this morning.

Meet me at my house around 8?

I made a mistake baby....a huge one.....And I want nothing more but my Y/ N back. If you don't come....I understand.....but I'll be waiting for you baby.....forever....

Sincerely, Harold.
Ps. I miss you Xxxxxx

You stuffed the note back into your pocket and looked up towards the door.

You took a deep breath and rung the doorbell.

Within seconds the door flew open, revealing an all too familiar face.


He was dressed in a nice white shirt that was slightly tucked into his black jeans.

His hair fell over his shoulders, curls tangled together.

His eyes beamed into yours.

The gorgeous green meeting your beautiful colored orbs.

He looked so happy as his jaw dropped in surprise.

"You came...." he spoke, his voice cracking slightly.

A mixture of sadness, nervousness....eagerness left his body as you took it all in.

You would be lying if you said it didn't hurt a bit seeing him after all this time.

"You look gorgeous" he breathed out. "I've....I've missed you...." he whispered.

You nodded your head, not sure what to say.

"Oh come in, come in. Sorry about that" Harry said, moving out the way to let you enter his home.

The home you shared with him.

Before you left....

You walked into the house with ease, walking into the living room as you already knew everything around the house.

You saw rose petals making a trail to the dinner table where two seats where placed, along with a fancy dinner and wine glasses filled up with a light red liquid.

Soft jazz music played and the lights were dimmed.

Candles were the only lights around.

Your eyes widened at the surprise and you turned around to face Harry, only to be greeted with his soft smiling face and a bouquet of beautiful roses in his hand.

"Gorgeous flowers for a gorgeous girl" he commented.

You took the flowers in your hands and gave a small smile.

He stepped closer to you, his hand grabbing the small of your back to bring your ear closer to his lips.

"He for she..." he whispered.

You felt chills and you shivered, causing Harry to pull away and give you an intense stare.

He pulled out your chair for you and you took a seat.

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