Your daughter gets her period

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"Hey baby" Harry smiled as he entered the house from work.

He gave you a big kiss as you stood in the kitchen and soon made his way to the living room.

Once he sat his stuff down he walked towards your fifteen year old daughter who was sitting at the dining table.

"Hello princess" he smiled, giving her a kiss.

She continued to stare at her magazine.

"You okay?" Harry asked her.

She nodded her head.

He knew she was lying, so he stepped closer to her and grabbed some of her curls and started playing with them.

"Lemme see those beautiful green eyes sweetheart. What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything" Harry promised her and you smiled at his fatherly encouragement.

"Sometimes" she started. "Sometimes I wonder what it's like to have a million knifes twisting inside your stomach, ripping you apart and taking you from the inside out.....and then the next month comes...." she said, tapping her pen against the magazine.

Harry's eyes went wide and he looked towards you.

You shrugged your shoulders, letting him figure it out himself.

Harry looked back towards your daughter and grinned.

He then brought his lips to her ear.

"Um, hi there Satan....if I could just have my daughter back...that'd be great" Harry teased causing her to laugh.

She turned to Harry and gave him a devilish grin.

"I am Satan" she wickedly laugh, squinting her eyes.

Harry immediately stopped smiling and stood up, walking towards you.

"Um...babe" he whispered. "I think this is one of those....what's it called.....Exorcism....things an-"

"Oh my god, Harry no" you laughed.

"What girl says 'Im Satan'?? Is she okay?" Harry asked.

"It's her period" you assured him.

Realization hit him hard as he looked back towards your daughter.

"Oooooooooooh" he hummed.

He walked back to her and smiled.

"Okay my little she-devil, let's say we go out for ice cream and afterwards we can go to the store and grab your favorite foods" Harry suggested.

Her face lit up.

"Including junk foods?" She gasped.

"As long as you count nutella, potato chips and pickles" Harry agreed, smiling widely.

What a father-daughter relationship.

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