Unexpected Love

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You continued to walk and walk down the street.

Right now you were doing your daily walking.

You then took the time to look around at all the living people.

A daughter held her father's hand tightly as they crossed the street together.

An elder sat on a bench as she fed some eagerly hungry ducks.

A small family walked on the sidewalk with their enormous dog.

And a.....huge mob of people.....screaming?

What's going on?

You kept your strolls down the street and saw tons of girls yelling as they surrounded someone.

That someone was walking closer to you and you soon realized who it was....

Oh no.

You couldn't believe your eyes.

Harry Styles.

The reason you won't even look a guy in the eyes anymore.

He left you...broken hearted....

And you couldn't help but notice the stupid grin he wore as he held hands with his new girlfriend.

"Y/N" Harry spoke, not seeming surprised...but almost as if he knew you were going to be here.

"Harry...." you gasped and you hated how pathetic you sounded as you cried out his name in desperation.

"This is my new girlfriend. Natalie" he smiled.

Your heart cracked at the word new.


He made the word sound so foreign.

"Hey" she smiled.

You took a look at her attire.

A small, tight red dressed hugged her body, being sure to show every curve.

Her blonde hair flowing over her breast that begged for release.

Your sweats and tank top with a messy bun could not compete.

You looked back into her eyes.

Her caked up face burned into your makeup free one.

"Hi" your hoarse voice greeted.

"Well...long time no see, huh?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.

Shouldn't you be getting mobbed right now? You wanted to ask.

You diverted your attention to the crowd that was now going away as Harry's bodyguards dismissed them.

You then looked back to Harry.

His hair was longer.

His eyes still piercing through yours and it pained you.

"Um...yea" you spoke.

"So. Any boyfriend around?" He asked, trying to hide the curiosity in his voice.

You shook your head, some what disappointed you didn't have anyone to show off like Harry happily did.

"Mmmm..well my baby and I are about to go eat...see you later" Harry said, careless.

Or not at all, you hoped.

"Um yea...bye" you replied, staring down at the ground.

You were the first to walk away from the awkward conversation.

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