He teaches you to dance

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"Okay, now step to the right with me" Harry taught.

You and Harry were in your living room and he was teaching you how to dance since you claim you have 'two left feet'.

The song All of me by John legend was playing.

This was you and Harry's song.

The two of you moved to the right and you stepped on Harry's foot, causing him to let out a small laugh.

"Ugh, I'm terrible at this" you complained.

"No you're not love. It's pretty adorable actually" Harry smiled.

You rolled your eyes and smiled too.

His hands were placed on your hips, his hands moving further down from time to time to give your bum a small squeeze.

Your arms were linked around his neck, his baby hairs in between your small fingers.

You stared up into his gorgeous green eyes.

"You're so beautiful Y/ N" Harry complimented, his eyes flickering to your lips.

He started leaning in and you thought he was going to kiss you until his lips went passed yours and to your neck.

"I'll give you all.........of me......and you'll give me all......of you.....oh" Harry sung softly into your ear.

Jesus his voice was amazing.

He placed a kiss on your neck and pulled away to stare into your eyes.

"I love you Y/N" he breathed out.

"I love you too Harry" you smiled.

His lips connected with yours in a soft, sweet, passionate kiss.

You were so....so in love with harry.

And little did you know.....

He was more in love with you.

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