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You continued to stare at the wall.

You still haven't forgave Harry for his ridiculous jealousy act he pulled at the cafe with the male waiter earlier.

For the last hour he's been trying to make you forgive him.

He tickled you, hugged you, kissed you, bought you flowers, and chocolates and even ran you a hot bath.

But you were still holding a grudge.

"Baby.....come on. I'm sorry I just....did you see the way he was looking at you? How could I not confront the asshole?" Harry asked.

You stayed quiet.

"Oh, What? So now I'm getting a silent treatment?" He questioned, throwing his hands in the air.

With that attitude he's definitely not going to be forgiven anytime soon.

You kept your attention on the wall without moving a single inch of your eye.

Harry sighed loudly and walked to his night stand to get out a paper and pen.

He scribbled something down and gave the paper to you.

You huffed and snatched the paper from him.

It read,


You rolled your eyes and threw the paper back at him.

He picked it up from the ground and wrote something else and gave it to you again.

I'm sorry...what can I do?

After reading the note, you looked up at him to see him staring at you.

"You don't have to talk....just write...." he begged.

You took a deep breath and took the pen from him.

Leave me alone...

You wrote.

He took the paper once you were done and sighed.

That's not an option

Well it is for want me to forgive you or not?

Yes I want you to forgive me baby

Then shut up

He chuckled once he read it, but then stopped smiling once he realized you weren't kidding.



Answer a few things for me.....

Like what?

On a scale from 1-10 how mad are you at me?

1000000000000000000000000000 broke the scale ahahahahah XD

I'm about to break your face..... :)

You teased, without showing a smile.


Next question....

What can I do for you to forgive me baby girl?

I already said, leave me alone

One more question....


Do you still love me? Check Yes ___ or No ___

Your heart broke at the note, you looked up at him to see he looked so pained at your hesitation.

"Of course I still love you harry" you spoke.

"Then do something for me" he pleaded quietly.

"What?" You asked.

"Kiss me."

You happily leaned towards him and he pulled you closer to him, battling your tongue with his.

"I'm really sorry baby" he apologized for the fifth hundredth time today.

"I forgive you....just don't get us kicked out a cafe because of some guy again, okay?" You said.

"But Y/ N. He was staring right at your-"

"Harry" you glared. He stopped talking and bowed his head down in shame. "I mean it" you scolded.

"Yes ma'am" he agreed, meaning in to peck your lips once more. "I love you."

"I know you do" you smiled. "But I love you too."

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