You wear his shirt part 2

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You were sitting down on the bed, painting your toes your favorite color, dressed in nothing but Harry's Nirvana shirt.

"That's it!!" Harry suddenly yelled, making you jump.

He got up from the bed, walking into the closet.

You shrugged and continued doing your nails.

Harry then came back into the room about 15 minutes later.

He had all of his shirts in his hands.

He waddled over to you and placed the shirts down on the bed in front of you.

"Harry, what are you doing?" You asked puzzled.

"You look too damn good in my clothes kitten.....consider these shirts yours now" he said.

You laughed loudly.

"Oh my god Harry, shut up" you continued giggling.

"It's true baby" he smiled, climbing on the bed so he could hover over you, being careful not to ruin your freshly painted toes.

"Then what are you going to wear?" You quizzed.

"I was just thinking about that baby girl and....I was thinking....I'll just go nude for the rest of my life" he said.

"Oh god" you laughed. "I'd like that."

"I bet you would, you naughty girl" he teased.

"What's that suppose to mean?" You asked.

"Well....I be honest I wouldn't mind if you went nude with me" he said.

"Mmmm.....fine....I'll join you" you said playfully.

"Let's start now" he cheekily said, slowly starting to take his shirt off of you.

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