Watching a scary movie

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You and Harry were snuggled up on the couch together watching tv with niall.

Niall begged you to put on Annabelle and after a while, you finally agreed even though you don't like scary movies.

You and Harry were in the love seat under a blanket while niall was in the recliner, stuffing his face with potato chips.

"Who are you" the mother asked the little girl from the movie.

The door was slowly closing and the little girl starts running.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" The little girl screamed as she suddenly turned into the murder she was in the beginning of the movie.

"Oh god!" You jumped, shaking in Harry's tight arms.

"Love...are you okay? We don't have to watch the rest of this if you don't like it" Harry whispered in your ear, rubbing your thighs to calm you down.

"'s a-alright...I don't want to annoy niall" you said looking over at niall.

Wait a minute....

He wasn't even there.

"Nialler?" You asked.

"Lad?" Harry asked, seeming a bit confused himself.

He was no where to be found and when you turned your head to look to the side...

He was suddenly in your face.

"AHHHHH!!!" You screamed, kicking him in his dic-cough cough, no no square.

"OW!! FUCK!!!!" Niall yelled as he fell onto the floor.

You and Harry got up and rushed over to niall.

Harry went to turn the lights on and soon came back.

"Oh I dying? I think I see the light....."

"No idiot, I just turned the lights back on" Harry chuckled.

You laughed.

"Niall I'm so sorry....why would you sneak up on me like that?" You asked.

"Yea mate. You should know how Y/N feels about scary movies. To be honest I think you deserved that kick in the dic-"

Before Harry could finish his sentence you covered his mouth.

He licked your palm which caused you to shyly snatch your hand away.

You scolded him and he winked at you.

You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to niall.

"I really am sorry niall. Just never do that again. Deal?" You asked.

"Deal" niall agreed.

Harry helped him off the floor and for the rest of the night, the three of you decided to take Liam's advice and watch some toy story.

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