He talks about you in an interview

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"So Harry? The world now knows about you and Y/N's relationship so I think it's safe enough for you to tell us how it is between you two" Ellen said.

"Hmmm...what to tell, what to tell" Harry thinks earning a laugh from the crowd.

"Tell us how she is in bed!" Louis yelled out.

Harry blushed and quickly kicked Louis's foot.

"Tell us, What is she like?" Ellen suggested after giving Louis a hot five.

"She's great in bed....I mean...she was my first and I really enjoyed it an-" Harry started speaking until he was interrupted.

"Oh Harry Jesus, I meant tell us how she is as a person, not in bed" Ellen laughed.

"Oh shit- I mean shoot" Harry quickly corrected himself.

Crowd laughs.

"She's amazing. God she's so incredible, I swear. She makes me smile all the time....I honestly couldn't be happier than I am right now with her. I've never meant anyone like her. She's so adorable, funny ,confident, and even though she doesn't like to admit it...beautiful. She's the most gorgeous girl in the worl-"

"Okay Harold I'll have you stop there before you start reading the declaration of independence to us" Ellen teased.

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