Period cramps

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You were laying in bed, tears falling down your face as you experienced excruciating pain in your stomach.

"Why the fuck is there world war IIIIIIII going on in my stomach????" You asked yourself.

"KITTEN!!" You heard harry yell out.

He's just now getting home from a meeting.

The door to your bedroom opened, revealing a wide smiling Harry.

"Hey baby girl. I've missed you darling" he smiled.

He ran over to you, wrapping you in his arms tightly.

"How was your da-"

Harry stopped talking when he noticed the stained tears.

"Awww....what's wrong honey?" Harry asked you softly.

" stomach hurts...." You cried.

He seemed a little confused as to what made your stomach upset....until he finally realized what it was.

"Ooooooh" he hummed.

He climbed into bed next to you and rolled your shirt up so it could rest right below your bra.

His large hand rested onto your tummy, rubbing softly, slightly putting pressure on some spots.

"Mmmm" you hummed in pleasure.

"You feel any better love?" Harry asked, his lips meeting your neck.

"I'm getting there" you replied.

"Dont worry boo bear, I'll be right here. Lemme know if you need anything....anything at all....I got you" he assured you.

You smiled, grateful of the amazing boyfriend you have.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you more Y/ N."

His lips connected with yours and you couldn't help but smile into the passionate kiss you and Harry shared.

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