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You had your arms wrapped around Harry from behind as the two of you stood in the kitchen, while harry cooked dinner.

After mixing the food one more time, Harry placed the lid on the pot and turned around to face you.

A big grin placed apon his lips as he leans against the counter.

"You're so short" he said, wrapping his arms around you, his hands cheekily slipping down to your bum. "Its adorable" he added.

You groaned, red creeping onto your cheeks.

"Just because you're eight feet tall doesn't mean I'm short. I'm not short. I'm tall" you assured him.

He laughed and placed his lips onto your neck, leaving soft kisses.

"I'm tall.....right?" You asked harry.

He nibbled on your sweet spot.

"Mmhmmmmm" he hummed, amusement clear in his voice.

You rolled your eyes and lifted his face up so he could look at you.

He gave you a soft smile.

"I love you Y/N" he spoke.

You chuckled at his cuteness.

"I love you harry."

He pulled you closer by the back of your thighs, and brought your lips to his.

You swung your arms around his neck while his hands continued to give your bum small squeezes.

You sqealed when he smacked your bum suddenly, causing him to let out a small laugh.

The kiss was starting to get more and more heated.

The moment was perfect.

Until loud beeping ruined it.

Harry groaned loudly, frustrated that your kiss was interrupted.

He gave you one more kiss before pulling away to look in your eyes.

"Dinners ready" he said.

You nodded and smiled.

You were about to pull away to fix your plate, but harry pulled you back, picking you up and placing you onto the counter.

He walked in between your legs to give you another kiss and then pulled away.

"I'll fix it for you baby" he assured you.

"Thank you" you said.

You watched as he pulled away, walking to start fixing you two's plates.

"You need help?" You asked.

He smiled widely and you're not sure why.

"No love, I'm good."

You nodded again and looked away.

"Actually...", he started. "Can you grab the pepper from the very top shelf?" Harry asked.

You nodded and jumped off the counter, walking to the shelf.

You stood on your tip toes as you reached up for it.

Damn it's high.

You heard chuckling behind you.

You turned around to see harry grinning widely at you.

"What are you laughing at?" You asked, cocking your eyebrows up.

"Nothing..... Nothing" he laughed.

"What Harry?" You asked, iriitated.

"You're so cute..... And short" he whispered the last part.

"Ugh" you groaned, rolling your eyes.

"Awww, don't be mad baby" harry smiled, wrapping his arms around you as you pouted.

"Leave me alone" you grumbled.

Harry laughed, connecting his lips to your neck.

"Babe.....stop" you giggled.

"No...." He grinned.

He started poking your sides and nibbling on your neck more.

"Harry" you laughed.

He started laughing too and stopped tickling you.

"I love you baby" harry smiled.

"Mmmhmmm" you laughed, placing your lips to his.

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