Made in the A.M

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Lemme tell you guys a story......

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl named, Y/ N.

She went a long way down in history.

One time she woke up next to her boyfriend Harry who seemed to be up.

Harry stared at Y/ N grinning widely.

"Hey Angel" Harry spoke.

"Harry what are you doing up?" Y/ N asked.

"I want to write you a song" Harry told the girl.

She stared in surprise and Harry grabbed her hand.

Y/ N and Harry ran outside the house and Harry dragged her along through the woods.

"You're perfect" Harry told her.

She smiled. "You're cheeky."

Harry grinned and the two of them continued Walking in the wind.

"I started writing a bit of the song...I'd like to sing it to you" Harry told Y/ N.

She smiled and nodded her head.

Harry cleared his throat and started singing.

"If I could fly....-"

Harry was suddenly interrupted as the two of them heard growling.

They flashed their attention to the right to see....

"Wolves!!" Harry screamed.

Harry grabbed Y/N's hand and started running.

The two of them were brought to a cliff, nothing else to do but jump in the water.

Harry looked at Y/N and frowned.

"You have to trust me" Harry breathed out.

Y/ N nodded and took a deep breath.

"Jump!!" Harry yelled.

The two of them jumped, landing in the water and boy what a feeling it was to have the cold water hit their warm bodies.

The two of them stood up and started finding their way back home, drying off the longer they walked.

They were both dried now and Harry knew he was getting closer to the house as he saw more and more people down the streets.

Someone bumped into Harry and Harry looked up to see a pair of blue eyes.

"Olivia?" Harry asked.

Y/ N frowned.

Olivia was Harry's ex girlfriend.

Harry smiled at Olivia and she quickly pushed her lips onto Harry's.

Y/ N gasped and started running away.

"Y/ N WAIT!!" Harry yelled.

"I knew you still had feelings for her" Y/ N complained.

"No I don't...I love you...You know that...she just pushed her lips onto mine an-"

"That's not enough Harry, your excuses are never enough" Y/ N cried.

"Y/ N're my infinity....and if we love each other we'll get through everything" Harry said.

"I do Harry...I really do but I just can't do this anymore....I Love you, goodbye" Y/ N said, wiping her tears away.

"Y/ N please...don't drag me down....I need you with me" Harry cried.

Y/ N rolled her eyes and ran away to a random bar.

As she sat down in the bar, a pair of arms greeted her.

"Well hello Y/N" she looked up to see Louis smiling at her.

"Hey Lou..." her sad voice said.

Louis frowned.

"Aww...what's wrong?" Louis asked, wiping Y/N's tears away.

"Harry...kissed another girl in front of me...." Y/ N complained.

"I'm sorry babe....let's say I become your temporary fix?" Louis suggested.

"That won't be an option" a low voice said from behind.

Y/ N and Louis turned around to see who the mystery voice was and of course.


"And why not?" Y/ N snapped.

Harry walked up to her and grabbed her hands.

"Because....all I know at the end of the day is that you're mine and only mine....and that I want you and only you. Baby I'm so so so sorry that the kiss happened. I swear nothing was suppose to happen. I didn't even know she was gonna kiss me. I love you...and only you please know that Y/ N.....and please....please forgive me and be mine again" Harry begged.

Y/ N smiled and nodded her head.

"Good. Now let's go back home" Harry said.

That night, Y/ N and Harry spent hours till the very early A.M. having the best conversations.....Because everything Made in the A.M.

The end.

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