I want to write you a song

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"Baby?" Harry yelled for you.

"Coming haz!" You yelled back.

You hurriedly ran upstairs and into you and Harry's room.

"What's up?" You asked your boyfriend.

"Are you busy?" Harry asked you as you sat onto the bed next to him.

He had an acoustic guitar in his arms, slightly stroking random notes.

"Not anymore, what's going on?".

"I.....I wrote you a song....." he spoke blushing.

"Oh...you did?" You asked, blushing even harder.

He chuckled and nodded his head.

"Yes baby, for the most important thing to me in the world. It's called I want to write you a song....would you like to hear it?" He asked as you nodded your head before he even finished his sentence.

He smiled and started stroking the guitar.

"I want to write you a song......one as beautiful as you are sweet.....with just a hint of pain for the feeling that I get when you are gone.....I want to write you a song...." he sung.

You were already blushing and couldn't help but listen to his beautiful raspy voice.

"Oooooh, Everyhting I need I get from youuuuuu. Oooooh, given back is all I wanna dooooooo" he went on.

A small tear fell from your eye as he ended the song.

"My god Harry.....look what you're doing to me" you said wiping your tears away, earning a chuckle from harry.

"I love you so much kitten".

"I love you too Harry".

And with that, he took your face in his hands and kissed you passionately.

"Oh baby.....one more thing" he said.

"Yes?" You asked.

He suddenly got up and got down on one knee pulling out a small box.

"Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?".

"Oh my god Harry, Yes!!" You screamed as you jumped into his arms, him holding you tight.

This was officially the best day ever.

Yes cheesy I know, but what can I say??? Made in the A.M. album has made me feel all tingling inside...:)

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