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Here's a request for a friend of mine Hazzesgirl09

Go follow her and check her books out!!!

Hope you enjoy it karlia!!

"Niall, slow down a bit will you?" Liam asked niall as he sat in the front of the car with niall in the passengers seat.

"I'm not even going that fast, relax" niall said.

Harry, zayn, Louis and I were in the backseats, goofing off.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked me as he held my hand.

I nodded.

Harry and I have been together for 16 months now.

He's the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I don't know what I would do if I ever lost him.

"What are you thinking about, beautiful?" Harry asked, his lips on my neck.

"Ew get a room!!" Louis complained.

"Shut up Lou. They're in love, let them love on each other" zayn argued.

I smiled, quietly thanking zayn as he gave me a nod back.

"Okay, so I was thinking when we get back home, you and I could have a little cuddle nigh-" Harry was cut off by Liam.

"NIALL SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!!" Liam screamed.

"MAKE ME!!!" Niall replied letting go of the steering wheel.

"Don't let go of the fucking wheel niall!!" Louis yelled.

The car kept going forward, running a red light and a big two wheeler was coming our way.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" We screamed, Harry holding onto me tightly.

I only had one more thought to think.

I love you Harry.....


Everything went black.


"Everyone alright??" I heard some men yell.

I opened my eyes slowly.

A flashlight was shined in my eyes, blinding me.

I looked around.

I saw everyone was ok.






Except one person was laying down on the ground, surrounded by cops.

Oh no.

"No no no no no" I begged quietly, shaking my head.

I ran over to the body, pushing a few cops so I could see clearly.

I gasped at the sight in front of me.

I dropped onto my knees as I sobbed.

"NO!!!" I yelled.


She was...


"Baby....please......come back" I begged, tears falling down my face as I held her lifeless body in my arms.

Her eyes were still open.

Her big beautiful eyes that I absolutely adored.

"I'm sorry sir....." a cop told me.

I looked up at him, giving him a sad smile.

I looked over to the guys.

They all had tears in their eyes as well.

I can't believe it.

My karlia.

She's gone.

I placed a soft kiss onto her head, brushing her hair away from her face.

"I love you much" I cried.

I pulled out the small box from my back pocket.

I opened it and looked at the shiny diamond I planned on slipping onto her finger this evening.

But it's ruined now....

"You're my forever karlia. I love you so much baby" I continued to cry.

I slipped the ring onto her finger.

It fit perfectly.

Just like I knew it would.

I closed her eyes with my finger tips.

"Bye princess......I'll always love you.....please remember me" I begged as I continued to hold her....and hold her....and hold her.



Hope you guys enjoyed too!!

Bye babes!!! <3

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