Netflix and chill

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You were sitting on the couch watching Netflix with harry.

You started laughing at the funny comment that was said on the t.v.

You were surprised Harry didn't laugh and when you turned to look at him, he was staring at you.

You gave him a small smile and turned your attention back to the t.v.

Harry suddenly scooted closer to you, moving his lips to your neck.

"Babe......" You giggled.

He continued leaving trails of kisses against your neck, moving his lips right below your ear and biting down.

"Oh..." You moaned.

"Found it" he smirked.

He continued sucking on the smooth skin and you would be lying if you said it didn't feel good.

"Harry.....let's watch tv" you begged, hoping he would stop turning you on so much.

"I rather do something else...." he hinted, moving his hand down to your thigh.

You pulled away from him and looked into his eyes to see they were full of lust.

"No.......and put Harry jr away" you teased, diverting your attention to his large bulge.

A red color slowly started creeping it's way onto Harry's cheeks and you immediately started laughing.

"You think that's funny?" Harry asked.

"I am laughing aren't I?"

"You're mean" Harry pouted.

"Awww, don't get mad haz. I can't do anything about you being's not my fault you got the hots for me" you teased.

"You know what? You can watch Netflix by yourself" Harry said getting up from the couch and walking up stairs dramatically.

You rolled your eyes and kicked your feet up.

"1....." You whispered.



"Hey babe...." Harry said running back down stairs to join you back on the couch.

You chuckled.

"I knew you were gonna come back", you laughed, "They always do."

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