He has a headache

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"Babyyyyyyyyyyy" Harry groaned in pain.

You quickly stumbled up the stairs and walked into your room to see Harry on the bed with a pillow over his face.

"Harry, what's wrong?" You asked.

"My head hurts....I feel like shit" he cried.

You chuckled and grabbed your pain meds from your night stand.

"Here babe" you said, handing him a pill.

He grabbed his water and quickly swallowed the pill, opening his arms for you afterwards.

"Cuddle me" he begged.

You smiled and crawled into his arms as he placed the comforter over the two of your bodies.

"Starting to feel better?" You questioned, looking up at him.

"A bit....I think if you give me a kiss, it'll feel better" he suggested.

You giggled and lifted your face so you could meet his lips with yours.

You pulled away and he smiled widely.

"Better?" You asked.

"Way better."

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