Horny bastard

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Hey babes!! Here's a request for my friend @AmandaKristensen4

Hope you enjoy!!!!

"So, how is one direction going for you son?" My dad asked Harry as we sat at the dining table, along with my mother.

Today harry and I were joining my parents at a nice dinner, they've invited us too at their house.

"Everything's great, thank you. We've been working on our new album" Harry smiled at my father.

"That's pretty great. Oh and Betina, dinner is amazing" my father complimented my mother.

"Yes, it really is. Thank you so much for having me over" harry thanked them.

They smiled and my mother blushed.

God I swear Harry can make any woman blush.

"No problem Harry. You two are welcome to stay here for the night as well" my mom said.

"We're good mom...we'll just go back home" I interrupted.

"At 11:45? I insist, the two of you stay in our guess room over night. It'll make me feel better if you do" my mother said.


Harry suddenly placed his hand onto my thigh, moving his hand up and down my thigh causing me to moan a bit.

My parents stared at me and I cleared my throat.

"Um....yea...we'll stay" I nodded.

"Great. Well, your father and I will start getting ready for bed" my mother said.

Harry and I thanked them one last time before they grabbed our plates, placed them in the kitchen and walked upstairs.

As I was turning my head to look at harry, I was surprised with a passionate, heated kiss.

He slipped his tongue into my mouth and suddenly lifted me up from my chair, walking upstairs and taking us into the guess room.

He locked the door and placed me on the bed.

"Jeuss Christ....I've been going crazy all night Amanda.....too busy thinking of your soft lips......about how tight you are...." Harry said seductively, making me moan.

"Horny bastard" I teased.

He laughed.

"I know you want me as bad as I want you Amanda" Harry said.

"We have to make sure they don't hear us....." I said, referring to my parents.

"No promises......I like it loud" Harry winked.

Oh god.


Cheeky horny bastard.

I rolled my eyes and brought his lips down to mine so we could continuing making some midnight memories.

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