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Hey babes!! Here's a request for my friend directioner_abby

Hope you enjoy!!!

I continued to sit on Harry's lap as we watched tv.

He repeatedly twisted the ends of my hair in his fingers while placing kisses on my neck as my attention stayed on the television.

"God I love Harry potter. He's like my favorite" I said.

Harry huffed.

"I thought I was your favorite Harry" he complained, placing his hand over his heart as if he was in pain.

"Eh. I don't know about that one" I teased.

"Don't be a bully Crystal" Harry pouted as I turned around to face him, straddling his waist with my legs.

I chuckled and pecked his lips

"Don't you wish you had magic like wizards....or even superpowers?" I asked.

He brushed some hair out of my face and behind my ear.

"Magic, yes. If I had magic I would-"

"Make all your jokes funny?" I suggested, cutting him off.

He pouted again.

"Yep. You're definitely being a bully today" he said.

I laughed and pecked his lips again.

"What about you love?" He asked.

"Hmmm...", I thought. "Superpowers for sure. I wish I could read minds."

"Mmm. I wish I could be invisible......that way I could sneak into the bathroom every time you're changing" he cheekily grinned.

I flicked his nose causing him to pout again.

"A lot of pouting today, I see" I pointed out.

"A lot of bullying today, I see" Harry sassed.

We both corrupted into fits of laughter, my hands holding his as we smiled widely at each other.

"If I could fly", Harry started. "I think that'd be pretty cool too. I'd fly you everywhere with me" he finished.

I smiled down at him.

"You're sweet" I said.

"And you're beautiful" he replied.

He pulled me closer to him, rubbing his nose against mine.

"What else?" He asked.

"I wish I was I could beat you up everytime you eat all the bananas" I said, truthfully.

He laughed loudly.

"Well. I don't need to be strong....I have you for that. You make me strong and without you, I'm emotionally weak" he said.

He placed my hands on his shoulders and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you Harry" I whispered.

"I love you more Crystal."

Hope you enjoyed!!!!!

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